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The Best List EVER!

August 6, 2012 by Heather Cole


Yes, that deserves all caps and a million exclamations marks accompanied by Nikki and I jumping up and down like teenage girls at a One Direction concert. Anna at the Ladygarden Project nominated us for:


What is it?

The prolific and talented Rori at Between My Sheets accepts nominations for the best sex blogs of the year. She opens the list for nominations for a month and typically receives at least 300 blog nominations. Then she sifts through them all and chooses her 100 favorites. It’s like making the Who’s Who of sex blogs.

Tell her you love us!

If you read Vagina Antics (you’re here, aren’t you?) please tell Rori to consider us for her list. Imagine the Google possibilities and the amazing bloggers we’ll rub virtual elbows with. Last year’s list makers included: Guy New York and the Dirty Gentleman, The Life and Charlotte Times, and The Beautiful Kind.

Just leave our blog name and address in the comment box and click! Click again! DO IT! (Ok, there’s no double click. Just one. I’m enthusiastic. Sue me.)

Click here to leave your two cents about Vagina Antics. And THANK YOU!


Nikki and Heather



  1. Anna says:

    Well, you’re my Top Sex Bloggers without a doubt. Come on people, get nominating! (Shall I make some campaign buttons?!?)

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