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Weekly Wrap-Up and Link Love

October 18, 2013 by Nikki Blue

The first draft of my Friday wrap-up began with good intentions. I highlighted important stuff like the release of Heather’s , and how hard I’m working to finish my collection of stories. But it took a weird turn, landing on ugly possums and adorable raccoons who will chew your face off. Don’t bother to ask because I have no idea. Anyway, I ditched it (you’re welcome) and decided to be super short and to the point.

  • Heather LOVES . For realzies.
  • Laser Technicians are shocked when asked if the appointment can be filmed for um, posterity’s sake. Okay, fine. For Mr. K’s sake.
  • It’s mid-October and still hot as balls here, so all of y’all bragging about wearing hoodies on chilly mornings while sipping on Pumpkin Spice Latte’s–fuck you. With love, of course.


My faves for the week are:

– “Dino-Cock.” It’s a thing, apparently.

- And now I’m adding ‘Port-a-Potty’ to my list of hard limits, because gross.

– Hold up. There are underwear rules? Motherfucker…


Heather’s Favorites:

The topic of healthy, non-processed foods and their lack of availability and affordability is something that never fails to push me on my soapbox. And don’t get me started on the plight of the small family farmer in this country. This is amazing. Do I think Chipotle is the answer to quality food for our families? No, but what they say here about factory farming and what we feed ourselves and our children is absolutely true. By the way, the scared cows are going to make you cry. I’ll pass you a hankie when it’s over.

Oh Dan, you say and I have to swoon a little bit.

?!?! Oh, this has Nikki Blue written ALL over it!

Pfft, whatever. Cats are assholes.

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