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Posts Tagged ‘sex links’

  1. This Week In Links

    August 23, 2013 by Heather Cole

    In this addition of our weekly roundup of interesting links, I contemplate adding more old-timey penis lexicon to my vocabulary: “Is that nature’s tufted treasure I spy?!” (Imagine me exclaiming this at the next play party.) This is NOT to be confused with me adding old-timey penis to my pants or anywhere else for that matter. Unless you’re into that. Nikki’s pee video goes viral on Fetlife (ok… not viral exactly, but it’s way popular.) I reveal to a shocked Nikki that I never use the term “making love,” and we both contemplate different aspects of the word “slut” and what it means to us. This sparked a broader conversation which we’ll be posting next week. Stay tuned for more making love and sluts. Possibly at the same time.

    Happy Friday, y’all!



    I have to be honest. I swooned when I saw . Then I applauded.

    Oh, just admit it. You need help filling the awkward pauses too.

    Now before everyone starts freaking out… MONOGAMY IS DEAD! HAHAHAHAHAHA! You should have seen your face…

    Someday I hope to take photos as beautiful as Molly.

    You’re never too old to be called a slut and then have small-minded people try to shame you for it. I stand with my sister sluts in solidarity.



    The Un-Slut Project – Slut shaming and sexual bullying: raise awareness and change our world.

    Public Service Announcement – Boobs.

    Period Apps – I use an app to track my periods too. It’s called a motherfucking calendar.

    Who vs Whom – As God is my witness, “To whom did you give a flamethrower for Christmas?” is a question I will one day ask.

         Holy carps, the SPIDERS!

         It’s grammar, Heather. Focus.

    Whose Orgasms Are We Moaning About Anyway? – For whom are you moaning? Did you see what I did there? Did ya?

    Dumb Domme made a sex tape – I made a pee tape. The two are totally unrelated.

  2. Lovin’ the Links

    August 9, 2013 by Heather Cole

    Things have been a little crazy on the home front which reminded me of just how sexy hot a domestic routine can be. The Onion has, hands down the pants, THE best domestic erotica around. Want a peek?

    “Oh, God, I could listen to him snort himself awake right now. But then watch what he does to me, the sexy bastard: He’ll see that I’m in agony, he’ll see that I’m right there on the edge—and then he’ll push me even further. He’ll respond to a few work emails, check his fantasy baseball on his phone, and then floss.


    Yup… BINGO. To read the entire thing (and you really should because it’s fucking hilarious) click HERE. Keep reading for the items that have caught our interest this week…


    Holy Carps! We can cite tweets now. (For all those times you need to quote the talking cock avatar.)  For All the English Majors Out There

    My brother watched this video and said it reminded him of every woman he has ever dated:  

    I’m not too proud to say that the roller skating part with Colbert and the Breaking Bad guy is going in my spank bank. BAM!

    I love roller skates and plaid suits! 

    I love Curvaceous Dee for her sexy and interesting photos. Here she gives us her favorite photo pics for July. BEWARE THE EYE CANDY!


    The Truth About Female Desire -  Female sexuality is animalistic and ravenous? Get the fuck out!

    V-Steam Vaginal Spa Treatment – Would you like your vagina raw or steamed?

    – Yes, yes, a shameless plug. I know, I KNOW! But it’s Anal Pleasure Month, y’all, so whatevs.

    Oh, and I want to thank Sheri Savill for , because no one says “motherfucker” like Samuel L. Jackson.