We’ve Been Nominated!
Twice to be exact…
Our effusive thanks to The Dom Next Door and Deviant Wench for the One Lovely Blog Awards. We’re thrilled and humbled. WE HAVE READERS! And you like us! (Yes, we just swooned on to our fainting couches.)
If you’re not already following those outstanding blogs, you need to get on that. ASAP!
Here are the rules to the One Lovely Blog Award:
- Thank the person/people who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
- Share seven possibly unknown things about yourself.
- Nominate fifteen or so bloggers you admire.
- Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know and link back to them.
Many of our favorite blogs have already been nominated, and you can find a full list of them on the main page under the heading “Blogs We Covet.” Here are some highlights:
http://www.dumbdomme.com/ - self-depracating and downright hysterical Domme adventures
http://mydissolutelife.com/ – a wolf in wolf’s clothing…sigh…
http://theladygardenproject.wordpress.com/ – celebrating women’s sexuality no matter what the size
http://alwayseachother.blogspot.com/ – the trials and triumphs of a married couple rediscovering what makes them work in the bedroom
http://www.diaryofakinkylibrarian.com/ – smart, kinky woman who talks books and sex. need we say more?
http://sexuallifeofawife.wordpress.com/ more real life kink from married people – riveting!
http://janeonymous.wordpress.com/ the life and sex of a single woman who knows what she wants. funny and touching and hot!
http://www.mollena.com/ The Perverted Negress: sexy, kinky and full of sass!
http://kneelinginkansas.wordpress.com/ – Noelle Kneels: her stories are very um…arousing.
Seven Things About Heather:
I recently discovered a new way (not with my usual vaginal means) to make myself orgasm while masturbating.
An excellent vocabulary and wit gets you to second base, at the very least.
I talk to my mother on the phone at least twice a day.
If I show up at your door in a dress, heels and carrying my world’s tastiest bunt cake, your ass is mine.
I’ll watch Fifth Element every damn time it’s on cable. Dammit!
I haven’t accepted the fact (at all!) that one day I’m going to die.
My favorite sound in the world is hearing my daughter saying, “I love you, Mommy.”
Seven Things About Nikki:
I would sell one of my kids, possibly both, for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
I sing in the shower.
I can make a pony out of gumpaste and carve a surfboard out of cake.
I ad-lib for the wildlife that congregates around the pond in front of my house. I use a deep voice for the alligators and exaggerate my southern drawl for the woodstorks.
I’m terrified of sharks, but Jaws is my favorite movie.
I’m addicted to eye shadow.
I don’t wear eye shadow.
Lovely acceptance! The trivia was worth the nomination! But seriously you two do have A Lovely Blog and are most deserving. And thanks for sharing the dirt on the dirty blogs. Will definitely check them out.
Here, here! And I too am grateful to you for sharing those other *interesting* blogs.
Heather, you and I have more than a few things in common. *ahem* One of which isn’t talkin’ to my mamma twice a day on the phone, though I do love her to bits. :)And I would pay money to see a video of Nikki’s wild visitors with her ad-libbing in the background!
It’s a sad sight Jenny, but I’m easily entertained.
But that’s the best kind of entertainment, the kind you mak up yourself!
I’m seriously jealous of the fact that you have that much wildlife in your front yard. All I have is birds and an occasional lost deer.
Gotta be careful though. This wildlife will eat you. And not in a good way.
Thanks for your comment, Jenny! Yes, I admit, talking to my mama twice a day is only for the certifiable. She says to me on many an occasion, “I know it isn’t normal BUT…”
Mine calls me everyday at work. I’m ashamed to admit I occasionally get “busy”. That’s awful, isn’t it? I’m so going straight to hell. O.o
Goody, more blogs to check! If this continues, I’m going to have to quit my jobs to devote more time to blog-reading.