Oh it’s coming, all right! All over your… well, where it comes is really up to you. Soon FELT TIPS will be unleashed! On December 12, 2012 to be exact.
FELT TIPS is the world’s first ever office-supply themed erotica anthology, and I was lucky enough to be accepted into this super-hot collection of stories. My office supply was a Post-It note with girl-on-girl lovin’ plus demons. Yes, the smexy took place in office hell.
One of the best parts of the anthology is that all proceeds go to charity. Bonus! You get off and your dollars go towards helping the under-privileged. It’s win-win all over the place, and you’ll be able to meet some of the authors right here on your favorite Vagina Antics. We’ll feature the naughty and creative writers with original posts relating to their own adventures. You know you want it!
Up this Friday is the smashing Michelle Ribaric, and you’ll read about her journey from Catholic school girl to erotica writer. You’re not going to want to miss a word.
YESSSSS! I can’t wait to come with Felt Tips! er…I can’t wait for Felt Tips to come!
[...] thanks to Jason Darrick, horror writer and contributor to FELT TIPS, for hosting me. This has been an absolute [...]