RSS Feed

December, 2012

  1. A Letter to my Soulmateclone

    December 31, 2012 by Heather Cole

    My dearest Soulmateclone:

    This New Year’s Eve (and a couple vodka tonics in) I can’t stop thinking about how we started out. My mind returns again and again to those early tweets where we joked about funnels of coffee and throwing pancakes at our kids. In the blink of an eye we went from joking Twitter friends to bffs, and I have no regrets. Absolutely none.

    You have held my hand through some of the roughest times in my life, loved me when I was a horrible mess and cheered me on when I tried something new. I don’t have adequate words to tell you how much you mean to me. You’re still one of the strongest, most beautiful women I know, and I’m so proud and GRATEFUL that you’re my friend.

    I remember the first time I heard your voice on the phone and then months later meeting you for the first time in the flesh. Those moments are engraved on my brain, because you were so much more amazing than I could have imagined. I admire you and love you, and I hope that we are always soulmateclones. There’s no one else in the world that I want to be blogging with, because we’re not just online personalities. We’re two real women, with real lives, who are trying to figure out the people we’re meant to be. You accept me, warts and all, and that’s a rare thing indeed.

    Thank you for answering my calls several hundred times a day and reassuring me that my ass doesn’t look fat. For critiquing my writing and giving me pep talks whenever I need it. I’ll kick anybody’s ass who hurts you, and I know you’ll do the same for me. Bejeweled switch blades and stilletos and all that…

    Thank you for an amazing 2012. As we look forward to the New Year, I’m so excited that we’ll be continuing our adventures together. From the vodka and hair metal to our mutual love of donuts and cock… you’re my soulmateclone and the very bestest friend I could ever dream of.

    Thank you so much for Vagina Antics. Thank you so much for being the amazing person you are.

    I love you.


  2. Ask Heather – Tie her up?

    December 29, 2012 by Heather Cole

    Dear Heather:

    I’ve been kinda getting to know this AWESOME girl. I went to my first rope tying munch with her this weekend, and we really had a great time.  It is clear to me that she enjoyed it.  She is much more experienced than I am, but totally patient, and I think into the fact that I am taking initiative to learn.   Really sweet girl! The lessons at this particular ropes class were fairly advanced.  Way above my head, as they were geared toward ties for curvy women, specifically for suspension.  This is probably not a newsflash for you, but I save a little bit on rent because I opted for the unit (hehe, “unit”) that did NOT have the power wench in the guest-room ceiling.  Who knew at the time?  😉    No, all jokes aside, I’m neither equipped, nor knowledgeable enough to do any serious suspension, or advanced bondage, yet our date will probably involve a little (or lot) of rope play.   
    Me, being me, I’m finally coming around to the point….
    Anyway, I can do a box-tie of her arms behind her back (likely with a good internet connection, or a few books in hand), could probably muddle my way through an over the shoulder or under the boobs harness, which I think she’d totally be into.  I can do a drum harness on the butt/legs, and could probably read up enough to tie ankles or knees.  I’ve read up on all the safety precautions, and I do have scissors that are capable of easily cutting the rope I have, if needed.  What I don’t know, is where to start.  Obviously, it’s a personal thing, and what one person likes, another may not.  I get that, but I thought I’d ask you for maybe some directional pointers.   EG:  what is common and universally likely to be enjoyed.   As a beginner do I just go with “Rope Play and experimentation”, and make that somewaht sensual in itself?  Or are there some things I can do to incorporate more play into a lite scene?   (FWIW, I don’t plan on it getting sexual yet.  Taking it slow with this person, yet keeping an open mind.)
    Thanks for indulging me!
    Rope Newbie
    Dear Newbie:
    Silly man, you can always ask me questions. How to start playing is a good one! Especially since it’s a new relationship and you’re learning about each other. Whether you realize it or not, you already know where to begin. The basics you listed are pretty impressive. I’m a rope newbie myself, and you’ve already made me swoon a little bit with your descriptions. Willingness to learn and try new things trumps inexperience every single time. You have the bonus of going to a class together, and if she’s attracted to your initiative to learn more, then I would approach it like you want to try some stuff out with her. Something like, “I was thinking about trying out this tie with you. Want to experiment with me?”

    Here’s a link to my first rope scene. It was sensual yet basic. Rope feels alive to me, and what heightened the experience was that I was instructed to keep my eyes shut. Master Cecil ran the rope over my shoulders and breasts before he began an over the shoulder harness. My eyes were shut the entire time, and it was as much about the rope and being bound as it was the energy between us. (I know that sounds cheesy but it’s true.) Nothing sexual happened between us but it was sensual and amazing. One of my most favorite scenes ever.

    I hope my suggestions help. Just be yourself. Your amazing, funny, handsome self. You’ll knock her socks off. Well, tie them up or over or whatever.




  3. A Little Christmas Break

    December 24, 2012 by Heather Cole

    It’s Christmas Eve, and instead of a blog post, Nikki and I are taking time to celebrate with family, chug eggnog and take inappropriate pics of our birthday suits and the new knee socks Santa brought us. Never fear, we won’t leave you in a lurch, yearning for your weekly dose of sexual shenanigans. A little birdie from the north messaged us a link for classic literature and orgasms. Does it get any better than that? Nah, we didn’t think so either.



    Happy Holidays, y’all. We’ll see you back here next week.



    Heather and Nikki

  4. Hot Reading for the Holidays

    December 19, 2012 by Heather Cole

    Need some great reading for the holiday break? Check out our fabulous guest bloggers and the new erotica anthology FELT TIPS. All FELT TIPS proceeds go to charity!


    FTPlease enjoy this wonderfully oddball collection of office-supply-related erotica from a wonderfully oddball crew of forty-four writers. Every penny of the profits of this book will be donated to an organization that helps struggling schools supply their classrooms. Thank you. Never forget the penis mightier. — Tiffany Reisz, editor and bestselling author of The Original Sinners series (Mira Books)

    FELT TIPS at Barnes and Noble

    FELT TIPS at Smashwords



    Blood and Fire by R. Brennan (MuseItUp Publishing)
    Release Date: 12/28/12


    Vanilla-Free Christmas (Evernight Publishing)
    All Romance eBooks:


    cover-small-webresThe Daemon Whisperer by Candice Bundy

    Meriwether Storm discovered the grisly remains of her parents on their living room floor when she was only fourteen, the result of a failed daemon summoning. Meri immediately swore vengeance on the daemon who’d killed her parents, but there was only one problem–she had no idea which one had committed the atrocity.

    Before their untimely deaths her parents had trained her intensively in the arts, and Meri used her skills to follow in their footsteps, ever seeking the daemon’s name. Now, despite her years of searching, she’s no closer to the truth and her time is running out.

    A captivating daemon mysteriously offers her a dangerous job in exchange for information about her parent’s murderer. Will she accept a deal from the daemon if it means finally learning the truth? Is it her instincts, her unusual attraction, or her desperation for answer, pushing her to trust the very creature she normally despises?

    When retribution is the only thing that drives you, how much are you willing to sacrifice before you lose yourself to the cause?

    Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Dark Urban Fantasy
    Publisher: Lusios Publishing, LLC

    , Createspace

  5. Geek: The New Sexy

    December 17, 2012 by Heather Cole

    A guest post by R. Brennan (FELT TIPS – Routine Maintenance)


    First off, I want to thank Vagina Antics for having me. I’m so excited to be here.

    In speaking with my posting mate this week, the fantastically talented Candice Bundy about our stories for the Felt Tips anthology, we realized quickly we had a common thread in both of our stories and in our own professional lives. Not only do both of our steamy tales feature IT geeks at the office, we both work in the IT field in the real world. For all intents and purposes we’re both geeks.

    I happen to think we’re both damned sexy, and that, my friends, got me thinking. The geek of yesterday is gone. Replaced by a kinder, more appealing specimen of nerdom.

    We aren’t your Revenge of the Nerd style geeks anymore. We have much more swagger these days. Look around. Check out TV and movies. I bet I can find at least five geeky leading men who you would love to have a study session with, but I’ll save that for a follow up post. I never know these days what photos are allowable, and I’d hate to cause problems posting pics of the nerdy hotties I’m thinking of.

    Today I’ll focus instead on WHY geeks are a dating diamond in the rough.

    1. Geeks are smart.  – We all know the brain is the sexiest organ in the body. A geek has the mental power to be inventive, and has a more open-minded willingness to indulge your more imaginative fantasies. Who better than your geeky counterpart to come up with new an interesting ways to use that extra cat-5 cable in the storage room. Wrap a few of those puppies together, add a little bit of duck tape and voila — he’s made himself a fancy new flogger to make you squirm with. And wait till you see what he can do with a drawer full of ordinary office supplies…
    2. Geeks are better lovers – Some of you may be laughing at this tidbit of knowledge, but the simple truth is this — men, on the whole, are rather unsatisfying sexually. Experience isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when you consider most men are “practicing” not blowing their load within the first three minutes, and most aren’t all that concerned how you may be faring. But, a geek is much more likely to focus on pleasing you in bed and making sure you are having the time of your life in the hope they might get you back there again soon. I’ll take an attentive, geeky lover with a magical tongue and a genuine desire to satisfy over a studly, beefcake whose biggest concern is the size of his own pectoral muscles.
    3. Geeks study — a lot. Of everything. While your pumped up muscle head boyfriend is all about his subscriptions to Playboy and Sports Illustrated, your geeky companion is more likely to have read The Kama Sutra, The Story of O, or will be able to quote the works of William Shakespeare. They are much more likely to be able to hold up their end of any discussion, and let’s face it, stimulating conversation is sexy.
    4. Geeks have smaller egos  — The nerdy guys don’t get all that much attention from the fairer sex, so a geek is far less likely to treat you poorly or blow you off for a night out with the guys. They are more likely to have been taught how to behave by their mothers, and geeks work harder at being romantic than your average man. This leads right into:
    5. A geek won’t take you for granted – Geeks were never the cool kids. Coupled with the lack of regular attention from the opposite sex, geeks are far more likely to bend over backwards to please you. (You can’t hate that…) They are also far more likely to put in a little extra effort to get what they want. Where the average guy will do the bare minimum necessary to get you to take your pants off, a geek is used to working harder to get a woman’s attention.
    6. Geeks remember what matters – While your “normal” boyfriend will remember the exact details of the final game of last year’s World Series, your geek boyfriend will remember not only your birthday, but every anniversary, no matter how silly or insignificant  Additionally, they remember the perfect gifts to get you for such momentous occasions because they remember what you said you liked that time you walked past the pretty dress in the store window, or how you really wanted to listen to that new CD by Pink. They also remember the really important things — like where to touch you to make you squirm, what sorts of dirty little things you like whispered in your ear, and what spot on your inner thigh is the most sensitive.

    And, the best thing about these geeky brainiacs? The topper to all this amazing wonderfulness? Geeks come in both genders. So there is more than enough nerdy love for everyone.

    Color_littleR. Brennan is a subbie brat with a bitch streak, an IT geek for the state of New York, and reformed gaming addict living in the rolling hills of Upstate NY. A busy girl, R. has a kinky erotic short in the recently released Christmas anthology by Evernight Publishing, VANILLA-FREE CHRISTMAS, and her erotic horror short, BLOOD AND FIRE, will release from MuseItUp Publishing on December 28, 2012. The truly brave are welcome to follow her blog: or stalk her on twitter: bexbrennan

    Erotica Writer/Book Reviewer

    My Website:

    Connect with me on Twitter: @bexbrennan


  6. Identity Crisis are Dumb

    December 13, 2012 by Heather Cole

    Do you ever have one of those moments where you’re sitting and doing something utterly mundane, like eating brunch with people you love, and someone says something that hits you like an arrow to the heart? Words that are so straight and true to the crux of your existence that you didn’t realize it was an issue until you’re fighting tears and thinking THAT’S WHAT’S FUCKING WRONG?!


    I had one of those moments today, and I’m still recovering and processing. It was perfectly timed, because that one sentence summed up the conflict within me with breath-stealing clarity. I paused with a fork full of sausage halfway to my open mouth, looking for all the world like a landed carp and feeling my world shift slightly on its axis.

    “So you’re going to settle again for the same watered down version of the Dom you want?”

    Eventually I was filled with gratitude that Matt, my girlfriend’s boyfriend, said what he did. Despite wanting to run into the bathroom to have a good cry. There it was, one of my biggest fears laid out in mean black and white. And I’m frustrated to death of worrying about it. Am I settling? Will I ever find a Dom who suits me perfectly? Am I still a slave if I’m not collared and owned?

    My logical mind knows that this fear is leftover residue from the fallout of parting ways with my ex-Dom. He threw those words at me with the intent of an emotional hand grenade, and his aim was precise. It worked like a charm. In the wreckage of my broken heart, those cruel words took root, and I haven’t been able to excise my doubts. Not yet, but I’m working on it.

    In fact, I had a meltdown about it a week or so ago. I’m only in the consideration phase with the Boy Scout and haven’t earned my first collar yet. Our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, Dominant and slave, is only beginning, and the Boy Scout is deliberate and thoughtful. There is no rushing that man which is a contradiction to how I usually operate. As much as we’re in sync with our romantic/poly relationship, we come from different backgrounds in the kink perspective. The Boy Scout does not get off causing me pain, but I’m learning that even though my inner masochist stomps her foot with frustration, it’s his dominance of me that’s more important. I have several friends, not to mention my girlfriend, who will cane me until I sob. None of them choose to dominate me outside a scene, though, and none of them desire to own me. And those are the two things I’m searching for.

    I fell to pieces in an email to Liri, and she responded with the kindest message that essentially told me to get a grip. As she eloquently pointed out, kinky relationships develop just as traditional relationships do. Rarely can you start up a dynamic that is perfectly suited to both parties. There’s trust to be earned and love to be given. In short, she gave me a much-needed slap across the face and a homework assignment. I was to envision in specific detail what I needed from my new Sir, whether that be tasks to complete or protocols to follow. As talented as the Boy Scout is, he’s not a mind reader. He can’t possibly know everything I need if I don’t tell him.

    I warned the Boy Scout over dinner that I would be dredging this up for the blog. He listened again to me fretting about our newness and how he doesn’t beat me enough as I played with the napkin in my lap.

    His full lips twisted into a half-smile and he asked, “how many times have you looked at your phone since we got here?”

    I blinked. “Um, three times I think?”

    “ You’ve looked at your phone three times, and you still missed my last instruction?”

    My mouth dropped open. “I missed an instruction? No I didn’t  I was ready in ten minutes as you requested, and I thanked you for the invitation.” Blue eyes bore into mine.


    I pulled out my phone again and scrolled through his texts. There it was, a command that I wear a dress. I had missed it completely in my rush to get ready. I felt my cheeks turn scarlet, and my ego pinched me. I was way too good slave to make that kind of rookie mistake.

    “It was an accident!”

    Part of me wanted to crawl beneath the table to lay my head on his lap and apologize until he forgave me, but my instincts to grovel were overruled by my identity crisis. I needed to know if we could make this dynamic work in one simple way. A spanking or paddling were things that I craved. The Boy Scout had to do something that I would loathe so much that I never forgot to double-check my instructions. He didn’t like physically hurting me, so how could he perform a punishment that I would actually hate?

    I tried to look contrite. How far would the Boy Scout go to put me in my place? There was only one way to find out. When he appeared completely unmoved, I did the only thing I could think of, I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. I may have even uttered the words “not fair” but there’s no evidence of that. With a pleasant smile and his southern drawl in my ear, I was ushered home for punishment. Score one for Team Slave!

    Once home, Sir told me to place two towels on the bed with my vibrator and lube. Then he told me to strip and wait. I stood in the bedroom, my mind turning with the rotations of the ceiling fan. I still had doubts that he would be able to make me truly regret my error, but when I saw him return with a large glass of ice water, those doubts morphed into anticipation.

    There were ice cubes held to my most tender places and freezing water covering body parts that were never intended to be that cold. The soles of my feet were iced and then struck which spurred a round of fervent begging on my part. As I knelt in the cold, there was only Sir’s voice and the anxiety of fulfilling what he desired of me. The moment became hyper-focused on the two of us even though I was shivering and my knees ached. There were no walls separating us, and I had the thought that it was this emotional place specifically that I yearned for.

    Finally it was over, and I was permitted to stand. He told me to start the shower, a hot shower, and wrapped his arms around me as we waited for the water to warm. We climbed in and he held me for a long time under the hot spray as we discussed what had happened. I floated in a dreamy state that being dominated will bring me. Not the rush of endorphins that a beating brings, but the joy of pleasing my Sir completely. Finally we emerged from the shower and got back to his original after-dinner plan of towels, lube and my vibrator. We used all those items, all at the same time, until my body was limp from orgasms. Later I curled up beside him in the dark, my eyelids growing heavy.

    “Do you know what my favorite part of tonight was, Minx?”

    “No, Sir,” I murmured into the crook of his neck.

    “I loved holding you in my arms in the shower after your punishment. Anyone can beat your ass, Minx, and make you cry. It takes a very particular kind of person to own you.”

    I’m beginning to realize that he’s right.

  7. Unleash the FELT TIPS!

    December 12, 2012 by Heather Cole


    I’m so excited that I’m doing a happy dance.

    Even if you’re not typically a fan of erotica, you’re bound to find something that tickles your fancy in this collection. Our fearless editor, Tiffany Reisz, said it best:

    “Felt Tips began as a sarcastic tweet on Twitter.

    I’m going to write an office-supply-related erotica novel and call it FELT TIPS. Get it?

    Everyone got it. Not only did they get it, they loved it. One tweet turned into a dozen
    replies begging me to do just that. Being out of my damn mind, I thought, “Why not?” Why not put together an anthology of office-supply-related erotica? No one fetishizes office supplies more than professional writers. I put out a call for submissions and before I knew it I had dozens of office-supply-related erotica stories in my inbox from bestselling authors and never-before published aspiring writers. Apparently Felt Tips had hit a nerve.

    Please enjoy this wonderfully oddball collection of office-supply-related erotica from a wonderfully oddball crew of forty-four writers. Every penny of the profits of this book will be donated to an organization that helps struggling schools supply their classrooms. Thank you. Never forget the penis mightier.”

    My contribution to the anthology is called The Saint of Office Hell. The collection is chock full of sexy goodness so treat yourself and know that you’re donating to a great cause.

    FELT TIPS at Barnes and Noble


    FELT TIPS at Smashwords


  8. Let’s Talk, Jolly Man

    December 5, 2012 by Heather Cole

    Dear Santa:

    Oh the holiday yada yada about you. Dude, gimme a break! Your mall representation is creepy. I mean, what kind of person disguises himself in order to lure children into sitting on his lap? Ew. And no. You’re one small step away from clown classification, and we both know how scary that shit is. I’ve never believed in you even as a child, and I was terrified that you’d grab me in the mall. Lucky for you, though, I’m older and have developed a fondness for men with big sacks. And since you’re in the business of giving and I love to receive… I thought we should have a chat. There are a few things we need to discuss.

    I did some research, because I believe in knowing my enemies. *cough* Er, annoying legendary acquaintances. Your origins are decidedly pre-Christian which ups your interesting factor in my opinion. Parallels have been drawn between you and Odin, the All Father, of Norse mythology. A one-eyed mysterious god riding an eight-legged horse is pretty damn cool. I suppose eight reindeer look cuter on a Christmas card than a mutant horse, but c’mon, they’re deer. And deer are stupid assholes. Better yet, riding a unicorn would be much classier AND you’d have the added option of making threesomes more fun all over the world. Trust me, bowl full of jelly, there’s plenty of you to go around. Share the wealth! Literally!

    Oh, I know what you’re waiting for. You’re preparing to turn me down when I plead for a spot your “nice” list.


    That’s what I think of your list. Give me naughty any day. Because if I had to choose one list (it’s a shame you don’t have a List of Contradictions) for evermore, I’d choose the Dark Side. In my world, my dear Mr. Claus, naughty is a good thing, and it’s the naughty girls who get rewarded. Should I send you a pic of what I’m talking about?

    My list of demands are simple:

    • a jeweled butt plug plus a training set of plugs (I’m all about expanding my horizons)
    • gift cards to Victoria’s Secret, because I’ve had more underwear ripped and taken by horny men than you have fluffy white pompoms in your wardrobe
    • an upgrade to my phone because my boob shots are seriously blurry with my current version
    • a latex skirt
    • gift cards to the grocery store – How else do you think I lure fine upstanding men and women into my bed? I offer them cupcakes! And biscuits. And homemade macaroni and cheese. Works every time.

    You see, for a brat like me, your threats are empty. Especially if there are switches involved. Forget the coal crap. First of all, coal isn’t an environmentally friendly option. Secondly, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH COAL, SANTA? Turn me over your knee and take me to task with a switch. Two switches! Four? (of varying widths please)

    When It boils down to it, I bet my girlfriend hits harder than you. So give me your best shot, Santa baby. If you’re really good, I’ll let Mrs. Claus watch.