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February, 2013

  1. All About the Collar

    February 20, 2013 by Heather Cole

    Seven months ago I was an emotional wreck. I was a slave who had just left the service of her first owner and Master, and I was barely managing to keep myself together. The man who had been the center of my universe for over a year, my closest friend, lover and the man who possessed me body and soul, had broken our Master/slave contract. He didn’t have the courage to tell me that he had made his wife, already his collared and owned submissive, his slave as well. I was hundreds of miles away from the kink convention they attended, but I knew something significant had happened. Days later I finally confronted him, barely coherent through my hysterical sobbing. He told me it was only a matter of “semantics,” and perhaps some people would agree. To me, however, our contract was sacred. Those words had become vows that we made to one another. When he broke his word, he broke us. And to make things worse, he went public and spouted vitriol about me on Twitter. I thought the nightmare was never going to end.

    Three months passed and Liri, my beautiful amazing girlfriend, hauled me out of the house, insisting that I rejoin the kinky human race again. She was gentle but insistent that I get my needs met, and I was too chicken shit to tell her I was terrified to face a flogger again. Floggers had been my security blanket. The heavy, rhythmic thud of its impact had always calmed me down before, lulling me into a peaceful mental space. I was afraid that a flogger would no longer work on me, that somehow when I became uncollared, I lost the ability to love kink. Liri would tell me later that she was a little nervous about my re-entry too, but that didn’t stop her from tying me to the cross, flogging me, and then making me orgasm in front of a room full of people just to prove a point.

    I was a jumble of emotions afterwards, and even though relief and enjoyment were at the forefront, I still cried. There was this point after the scene, when the aftercare was finished and people were packing up gear to head home… that’s when I missed having an owner the most. There was no one to tell me I was a good girl and hold me as I curled up against their chest, no one I could text about my triumph, no one to snap my leash on my collar and lead me out to the car to go home. It wasn’t only that no one I knew wanted a slave, it was that many of my kinky friends didn’t understand what a slave even was. Hell, I was so emotionally wounded that I wasn’t entirely certain myself.

    I joked with Nikki that I was waiting for Prince Flogger to rescue me. He’d be single, monogamous (stop laughing), dominant, sadistic and own a full dungeon. He’d pull up in his vintage Camaro, toss me over his shoulder and whisk me away to live happily ever after chained to his bedpost. In my fantasy I wouldn’t have to figure out my slave needs. Prince Flogger would already know because he was the epitome of all that’s Dom-y and good in this kinky world.

    As I started my search for Prince Flogger, I was confronted with just how unique my needs were. I was introduced to BDSM with pain being the main aspect of my D/s dynamic. I’m a pain slut it’s true, but through some trial and error, I realized that I also needed the element of domination to my play. It was Liri who pointed out that I required intellectual play as well. A good mind fuck and a flogger wasn’t going to cut it any more. They were great, but it was the day-to-day challenge of tasks and games that made my toes curl with pleasure. It was hard for me to admit, but the more I discovered about what being a slave meant to me, the more I realized that slaves were work. I couldn’t turn off my submission or my need to serve. I needed tasks, challenges, something that kept me mentally occupied as much as I craved to be physically used and beaten.

    This was when everything got complicated. I discovered my Boy Scout, who was dominant and kinky, and I was certain that he was my Prince Flogger. In fact, I was insistent that he be my Dom ideal made flesh. There’s no flattering way for me to describe my driving intention to make Boy Scout into what I wanted. I was merciless and pushy in my desire to make him fit this unrealistic fantasy I had, and I did us both a great disservice. I discovered that Prince Flogger wasn’t just a simplistic dream. He was a poisonous illusion planted by a former owner who didn’t want me to move on. Believing that I only wanted Prince F was like saying I only wanted to eat oatmeal cooked by my mama for the rest of my life. I’d never leave Mama’s basement if that was my reality, and I never would have seen Boy Scout for his other incredible qualities that stretched beyond how he chose to apply his belt.

    I have no tidy conclusion for this post. My kinky life is in flux as I try to figure out what this new stage of my life means to me and my partners. There are new players, and it appears that my kinky life is going to be as poly as my romantic life is. Boy Scout is a wonderful man, and we have a solid, loving relationship, but we’ve had some tough conversations about our D/s relationship and the direction we’re taking. Or rather, the direction we’re not taking. Yesterday I had the thought that I may never choose to be collared again which I find to be as scary as it is liberating. And Boy Scout may never want to own me, but he’s willing to share this slave with other kinksters and Dominants which is part of why we work so well together.

    My journey began with the idea that kink could only be a certain way for me, dictated to me by a man who could only see other relationships as somehow threatening or detracting from us. It was a cage of my own choosing, but it was still a cage. When it blew up, I began looking for the real slave within me to discover what it was that I truly desired in a D/s relationship. It has been through the support and love of some amazing partners that I’m still figuring this out. In fact, it was my non-kinky Zen who inspired the insight to this post. I believe that the best adventures are just around the corner, and I have people in my life who encourage me to seek them. That’s more meaningful to me than any Prince Flogger and his dungeon of one.

  2. A Friendly Interrogation with Molly from Molly’s Daily Kiss

    February 15, 2013 by Heather Cole

    When the screen blinks into existence, a room comes into view. A room with a large bed in the background and an armoire to one side. The lighting is subtle and it’s warm and inviting. But the most attractive part of the room is the woman seated in front of the screen. She’s wearing her collar, panties and nothing else, rope twisting tightly around her torso and legs, binding her to the chair. I try not to stare at her erect nipples. I mean, we haven’t been formally introduced. I’m not a complete savage!

    Nikki and I have been looking forward to our friendly interrogation with top UK sex blogger, Ms. Molly of Molly’s Daily Kiss, for weeks. We’ve even dressed the part. We’re wearing our knee socks and t-shirts, and I may have brought along my favorite riding crop. Not because I can physically reach Molly, but I believe in inspiration. We have ways of making her talk.

    Heather:  Molly, we are so thrilled to meet you! I can’t believe we’re getting the chance to actually talk and see one another! <girly squealing>

    Nikki:  Easy there, singing Sally. I did my hair for this.

    <leans closer to look at the computer screen> Jesus Christ. Why do I look so fucking white? I mean, I am caucasian and all, but damn.

    Heather: You’re so pale and the room’s all white… It looks like you’re Skyping from heaven. ARE YOU AN ANGEL?

    Nikki: Yeah, my halo’s sitting right here next to my butt plug. Focus, Heather.

    So, Molly. e[lust], tell us what we want to know.

    Heather: No, no, sugarpants! Let’s start at the beginning… <begins singing Do Re Mi> Sorry, I’m a sucker for Julie Andrews and nuns… BUT I DIGRESS!

    We’re dying to know, Molly, why start a sex blog? You ended your first January 2010 post with this: “Molly’s Daily Kiss could be anything from a peck on the cheek to a full on snog with tongues, so pucker up people and let’s see what 2010 brings.”

    What changes have happened to the blog, professional and personal, over these three years? Has your vision changed for it?

    Molly: I never had a ‘grand plan’ and to be honest I still don’t. I started the blog as a place to write, to give me some structure and purpose to my writing. I literally just went from one post to another, whatever flowed from my fingers is what got published. This all coincided with me meeting Sir on-line and then travelling to the USA to meet him for the first time and so that became a key part of my content for a while. It was a space to chronicle that relationship and our journey to finally being together in the same country. I guess it was our love story with all the juicy, dirty, D/s bits to colour the picture. It has always been a labour of love and it has always been instinctive. If it feels right, I do it!

    I think my plan for the future is to hold onto that and see where it continues to take me! I obviously have my own personal goals and achievements that I want to work on, but the rest is a big old exploration of opportunities and possibilities.

    Nikki: My turn. You manage a ton of different projects, including the Pussy Pride Project, Sinful Sunday, and now the recently acquired, e[lust]. Why take on a publication that seems to be a lot of work for very little thanks? Spill your secrets! Or we’ll beat them out of you. Um… by proxy. Your Dom’s on call, right?

    It is a good question and one I’ve asked myself A LOT. But at the end of the day, e[lust] is a great resource with a hell of a lot of potential. We have some exciting plans for building the site and bringing in more traffic which will benefit all the blogs that join in with the digest. I am a big believer in the wealth of talent and the force for good that the sex blogging community is, so taking on another project that nurtures that community feels like the right thing to do.

    Heather: <wishes Molly’s webcam would zoom in> You had your first photography exhibit last weekend. Have you always taken pictures? *taps riding crop against the computer screen* Tell us about some of your favorites.

    Molly: I have not always taken pictures. In fact, for many years you would not have found me anywhere near a camera and certainly never in front of it. But then dating on-line happened and I started taking images to send to him and that led to me exploring more and more. Then one day, I posted one on my blog and since then….. well, I have never looked back and I am rarely parted from my lovely camera.

    I am not sure I can pick a favourite, well, not just one anyway. I do LOVE the shots from Piccadilly Circus. They were such fun to do and the results were fairly epic. It was all unplanned, just spur of the moment.

    Heather: Oh my, what a lovely… um, is it getting hot in here?

    Nikki: FOCUS, HEATHER.

    Right. <stares at Molly’s tits>

    Apart from that, the photos that are in my banner on my blog are probably my current favourites, but it is constantly changing, depending on my mood and also what I have recently worked on.

    Oh, and for obvious reasons, this one…

    Nikki and Heather: <in unison> Awwwwww… y’all are so sweet!

    Nikki: We all know you’ve been blogging for a long time, Molly, so don’t try to deny it. Now, tell us how you prevent the Provocative Jane’s of the interwebs from stealing your stuff. Do you possess a superpower? A dude named ‘Guido’ wearing a leather blazer? A bedazzled blade? We need to know. But before you answer, remember one thing: I am an Internet Ninja.

    Molly: Hahahaaaaaa! I do have a dude who guards me well. I usually call him ‘Sir’ and he is the head of my rather amazing tech department. He keeps me safe… apart from when he wants to scare me and lock me up in the garage where he does evil dirty bad things to me. My life is a hell!

    Nikki: Interesting. I’m at the helm of our tech department. <hysterical laughter>

    Heather: Well, I don’t have a garage. And no calling my girlfriend to lock me up in hers! And now, Molly, for the final question asked on every job interview ever conducted: Where do you see yourself in another three years?

    Molly: Oh my… still this married and still this happy and doing a job I absolutely adore. I spent too many years not doing any of those things and now that I have them, they are more valuable to me than anything else.

    Nikki: Wait a minute. I thought we were playing good cop/bad cop. If I’d known we were supposed to treat this as a job interview, I would’ve worn my pinstripe pants and stilettos. And a bra, maybe.

    Heather: Oops… my bad. You’re right. I’m a bad, bad cop. Wait, I’m the bad one right? RIGHT?? OK, who has handcuffs?

    Thank you, Molly, for being our willing prisoner and answering all our deep, probing questions. *giggles* I said “probe.” We love you and shall be your willing fangirls forever. We’re even starting a club with secret decoder rings and everything. Spanks for all the fun!


  3. My First Orgy

    February 5, 2013 by Heather Cole

    This past Saturday I experienced a first. I attended my very first orgy with absolutely no idea of what that would entail exactly. I had some general impressions from Hollywood, of course. I’ve watched Rome on HBO, people. If orgies were like TV, then I knew what was supposed to go down: barely clothed, toga-wearing people eating and drinking, sprawled across chaise lounges, the space full of writhing bodies and wandering… hands. I had the Hollywood idea in my head of a free-for-all sex party, but it wasn’t the nudity or sex that made me nervous; I was anxious about the “free” part.

    Over the past month I’ve realized that I share best, both physically and emotionally, when I’m grounded in the surety of my relationships with my partners. This shouldn’t have been a shocking revelation, least of all to me. But when my girlfriend, Liri, invited me to an orgy thrown for her boyfriend, Matt, the free-for-all sex party sparked some anxiety. I suddenly felt uncertain. The fearful voice in my head whispered that no romantic partner of mine would want me to attend such a thing.

    I felt torn by the contradiction. On one hand I identified as a sex slave, and part of me got off on being used for sex in whatever way my partner wished. I enjoyed multiple partners in various configurations, so an orgy would appear to be right up my alley. If the writers for Rome were correct, Saturday was supposed to be about letting go to have sex with whomever crossed my lap. The flip side of that desire was that I was painfully aware of boundaries, and it was my worst nightmare to go bungling through them. Or worse, I feared that I could make a sexual advance or indulge in a sexual act that somehow jeopardized a friendship or my romantic relationships. I asked myself if it was possible to enjoy an orgy at all while honoring the parameters of my relationships and the boundaries of others.

    Some days I feel like I over-articulate my emotions, but I’ve survived a relationship where I relied on a traditional construct, a marriage contract, to convey my love and loyalty without actually voicing those sacred feelings. I’ll never take such things for granted again. And I think what I needed to hear from Zen and Liri and Boy Scout was that they felt as committed to me, in their unique and different ways, as I was to them. I needed them to know that no matter who I had sex with at the orgy, none of that jeopardized my love and relationships with them.

    I felt better after I talked to everyone, but there was one last piece I was missing. My safe haven of rules and commands where I have one focus, to serve my Sir. My poly relationships don’t work because of a list of rules we give each other. My D/s dynamic, however, works precisely for that reason. I confessed that I needed some rules in order to navigate the orgy to both Boy Scout and Liri even though it was difficult for me to voice that need out loud. I articulated that I craved to be put in my place and marked. I needed to go into that situation knowing I was owned, and even though it was a sexy free-for-all, I had to be grounded. My poly relationships were all in order. I needed my D/s dynamic to be too.

    How does this slave go about getting her needs met in the face of an impending orgy? I called it “full-blown brat mode,” and I learned some valuable things as a result. For example, I can’t say “shut up” to Sir. I can’t call him a “good boy.” And I sure as fuck can’t eat his fresh-off-the-conveyor belt Krispy Kreme donut while he’s out walking the dog. When I opened the door to Matt’s house on Saturday, I had bruises on my back and ass, compliments of Sir and his belt.

    I walked into the kitchen wearing a short black dress and red heels and got a drink. Several guests couldn’t make it, so it was going to be in intimate orgy of seven. We stood around the kitchen island making small talk and eating hors d’oeuvres until Liri asked, “why the fuck are you still wearing clothes?” I blinked at her in surprise and replied, “you didn’t tell me otherwise.” Naturally my clothes came off (I’m a good girl that way), and she invited everyone upstairs to play the game, “let’s see how many times we can make my girlfriend come.” That’s a kick ass game, by the way. I have to add that it was also a bit surreal. At one point there were four people covering parts of my body with kisses and bites as my girlfriend used the Hitachi on my clit and Laccaria used the nJoy on my G-spot. Then there was the roundtable of friendship spanks while kissing the sweet lips of the woman across the table from me. There were ice cubes on my clit as I breathed in the sweet cleavage of a voluptuous female, and I squealed against her skin when Liri left teeth marks on my red, paddled ass. Yes, I believe that can be classified as some wanton sexual revelry.

    It wasn’t an episode of Rome, though. For one thing, we weren’t paid actors who had to pretend to have sex with people that they pretended to be attracted to. There wasn’t a casting agent to ensure that every person who attended had the correct attitude for the orgy. Nor was there a script to follow where everyone fucked and was sexually satisfied. We were real people, most of us good friends, and we had regular human concerns like having a bad bout of PMS and being stressed out from an impending move. There were relationships in flux, and people who weren’t in the mood to fuck… we were regular people at an orgy with our own baggage and our own expectations that sometimes didn’t mesh.

    I had my clothes pulled off twice before I could finally get out the door, and if I wasn’t the dedicated blogger that you read here every week, I would have stayed naked and stayed a helluva lot later. But I drove home like a good writer should and texted my people that I was safe and sound and in bed. That was the best part… saying I love you to all three of them before I closed my eyes. I really am one of the luckiest girls in the world.

  4. Weekend Reads…

    February 2, 2013 by Heather Cole

    Want to read more from our guest author this week, Diana Cruz? Discover her story in FELT TIPS.


    Please enjoy this wonderfully oddball collection of office-supply-related erotica from a wonderfully oddball crew of forty-four writers. Every penny of the profits of this book will be donated to an organization that helps struggling schools supply their classrooms. Thank you. Never forget the penis mightier. — Tiffany Reisz, editor and bestselling author of The Original Sinners series (Mira Books)

    FELT TIPS at Barnes and Noble

    FELT TIPS at Smashwords

    Writing as Diana Paz for her YA audience, her time-travel novel, Timespell, will be released in April. Until then find Diana at or on her blog

    Timespell-Front-cover-saved-for-web-RGBIn TIMESPELL,
    the brash and impulsive Julia must team up with her sweet and straight-laced best friend, Angie, and the malicious and power-hungry Kaitlyn in order to keep the witch-like powers of her inheritance. But these powers come at a cost. The girls are bound to serve the Fates, and their first mission sends them back in time to Marie Antoinette’s Paris and eventually, into the chaos and war of the French Revolution.