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Superpower Fail

February 7, 2013 by Nikki Blue

I love anal. I’ve preached it, I’ve given advice on it, and because I’m classy, I’ve worn the proclamation on a t-shirt. I also consider my love of anal play to be my superpower. But it’s not a gift that gives me telepathic abilities or superhuman strength. It does, however, give me power over Mr. Kink. He craves it, delights in it and devours it. It’s kind of like the intoxication of Poison Ivy’s kiss or the delicious high of Sookie’s faerie blood to vampires. But with less mayhem and murder.

Even though it’s pretty high on the list, my ass isn’t the only thing Mr. K loves. He’s also rather fond of intimate dinners, late night cuddling and my little stainless steel plug with the blue topaz crystal base. Just the thought of me wearing it under my clothes is enough to send him into a tailspin. It’s one of his favorite toys and he loves to play with it, pulling it out and pushing it in again. And again, and again.

My plug is always part of my outfit when I have a date with Mr. K. Like my necklace or lip gloss, I feel naked without it. It pleased him to see it snug in my ass when he found me half-naked on my knees last week. He kissed my cheek lovingly, shoved my face into the pillow and did things to me that would make the devil blush. But somewhere in the midst of tangled body parts and powerful orgasms my plug went missing.

We searched the bed and the floor. We even looked through his clothes. Nothing. It was gone. What was next? File a missing plug report? Staple photographs on street signs offering a reward?

I wasn’t terribly concerned because it often falls out during *ahem* heightened states of arousal, but we know when it happens. We feel it. This time I didn’t. I brushed it off, though, assuming we’d find it later in the sheets or wedged between pillows. But as I sat on the toilet, successfully peeing in front of Mr. K, my thoughts migrated toward my ass. Was it in there? Would I feel it? Of course I would and Mr. K agreed. I dismissed the idea of a secret agent compartment in my ass until a momentary twinge raised the question again as we drove to dinner. I needed to hear him agree with me again to banish my worry, but he wasn’t so sure anymore. And neither was I.

A few minutes later, I stood in the stall with my jeans around my knees, my finger in my ass and the tip touching the base of the plug. My heart felt as if it would burst as one thought exploded in my brain: How the fuck was I going to get it out? I knew Mr. K would come to my rescue without hesitation, joining me in the ladies room to examine my ass. But being the ‘glass half-empty’ person I am, I feared the worst.

What if he couldn’t retrieve it? Would I have to go to the emergency room? Would I lose my title as Queen of Anal? Would I flag metal detectors for the rest of my life? They were all valid questions. Except the last one. Realistically, though, I knew a panic attack wasn’t going to change the fact that I had a plug up my ass. I calmed down, held my breath and pushed the plug down until I could grab it with my fingers. I didn’t breathe again until I felt its weight in the palm of my hand.

The waitress was oblivious to the small object I laid on the table as Mr. K ordered our drinks. He glanced at it and barely raised an eyebrow when asking if I wanted to share chips and salsa. It seemed as if nothing was out of the ordinary. I suppose it wasn’t for us. But I was a little disappointed there was no need to excuse himself from the table and bend me over to execute a search and rescue.

The situation had FAIL written all over it, but I can’t help but laugh at the comedy of it. Especially having heard about Liri’s ‘case of the disappearing plug’ just days earlier. Heather and I were all like THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE! But it is possible, obviously. Also, I’m pretty sure ass fingering isn’t a common occurrence in that particular ladies room. And I’d be willing to bet my ass that anal plug recovery is even less of one.


  1. Clamidia Staines says:

    Ahhhh darling- I love you. So funny xx

  2. says:

    I live in fear of that emergency room visit. Also, have you seen this? EEEK!

    • Nikki Blue says:

      I realize now that those pretty little plugs are for adornment only. They are not meant for play.

      Yeah, edibles and other household items are not meant to be put in the ass. And mini-basketballs. Oh, and rubber chickens.

  3. I still think you retain the title of Queen. After all, your ass ate that plug right up!

  4. H.H. says:

    That’s the craziest story I ever heard.

  5. says:

    I’m so proud! Not only that you were successful in retrieval, but that you lost it in the first place! WOOT!

  6. Molly says:

    Join the club my dear. This horrible adventure also happened to me the only difference is I felt it as it happened which of course sent me into a massive panic and I mean P.A.N.I.C! Lucky someone (Sir) was not so panic and managed to calm me down enough that I could concentrate on a bit of muscle control and pushing until I had it back in a place where I could retrieve it. I still love my plug but never ever where it when we are playing


    • Nikki Blue says:

      There’s a club? Do we get t-shirts?

      Thank goodness for your Sir! It’s a scary feeling. I can’t believe I didn’t feel it happen. Of course, I was a bit distracted at the time. I still love mine too, but now the first thing I do when play begins is remove it. Um, let me rephrase that. The first thing I do is instruct Mr. K to remove it.

  7. [...] Are you curious about anal sex? Do you want to know what to do when your butt plug goes missing IN YOUR ASS? [...]

  8. Renee Rose says:

    OMG!!! Hilarious and terrifying and just more hilarious. :)

  9. LA Cloutier says:

    OMG!!! Although I love anal sex, and have ‘looked’ at lots of pretty little anal plugs. I’m not so sure I wanna try one now.
    In the ladies room, retrieving it. It had to be awkward. I’m seriously trying NOT to picture this. ~giggles~

  10. […] Listen, I’m a kinky motherfucker. And I totally empathize with the excitement of trying that next thing to get off. But–you knew there was a ‘but’ coming, right?–with kinky ventures comes great responsibility. Be smart about it. Don’t take someone else’s word that something is safe. Do your own research. Be prepared for what can go wrong. Because believe me, there is always a chance something can go wrong. Remember the case of the missing butt plug? […]

  11. […] Superpower Fail – Almost a year ago something happened I never dreamed possible. During playtime, my buttplug went missing IN MY ASS. It was there, then it wasn’t. But it was there– waaaaay up in there. Oh yeah, it happened. And because I’m classy, I fished it out in the ladies restroom while Mr. K ordered drinks. After that little incident we were careful to take it out before gettin’ busy to prevent it from happening again. It totally happened again, but this time it was sideways. Anniversaries Are Bullshit – In the past I connected anniversaries with unhappiness, and my first with Mr. K pushed me dangerously near the edge of a panic attack. I worried acknowledging it would put us on the fast track to failure. But it didn’t, and I worked through the anxieties attached to the occasion. The mark of our second year together is little more than a month away, but I still don’t envision a night of cards and flowers. I do, however, see blow jobs, orgasms, and anal. Definitely anal. Anal Orgasms Are Hard, Y’all – The anal orgasm has proven to be more elusive than the Abominable Snowman, but I ain’t sweatin’ it. I mean seriously, orgasms are awesome, anal or not. Mr. K did make me squirt, though, so there’s that. Heather’s faves: […]