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We’re Two, Y’all!

January 10, 2014 by Nikki Blue

Another sex-filled year has passed and VAGINA ANTICS is two years old! The “terrible 2’s” only apply to babies, though. Our second year of sex blogging was A-Fucking-Mazing! (Yes, that’s a word.) To celebrate this milestone, Nikki and I have chosen three of our favorite posts and have a couple of giveaways for you. And you, and that person waaaaaay over there.

Y’all may have noticed that we have added Writers of Erotica to our resumes. A year ago today, we were promoting because of the story I contributed for the anthology of erotica. Both Nikki and I swore up and down that we didn’t write erotica, because we were writing about our real sex lives. Then we realized that it was still erotica even though it was true, but we’ve written it OUR way. We’ve shared the intimate details of our lives with y’all and sometimes it’s super sexy. Others, not so much. Trust us when we say there’s nothing glamorous about cum in your eyes, delicate vag issues, or snipping your labia during an unpermitted trim.

<snort> Wait, sorry, Heather. That wasn’t funny AT ALL.

Heather’s right, though. It’s always real; always us. And to thank you all for supporting our shenanigans for another year, beginning at midnight we will be giving away & through Sunday. Because we love y’all, every fucking one of you.

<throws confetti>

<boob smoosh>

~Heather and Nikki

Nikki’s faves:

Superpower Fail - Almost a year ago something happened I never dreamed possible. During playtime, my buttplug went missing IN MY ASS. It was there, then it wasn’t. But it was there– waaaaay up in there. Oh yeah, it happened. And because I’m classy, I fished it out in the ladies restroom while Mr. K ordered drinks. After that little incident we were careful to take it out before gettin’ busy to prevent it from happening again. It totally happened again, but this time it was sideways.

Anniversaries Are Bullshit – In the past I connected anniversaries with unhappiness, and my first with Mr. K pushed me dangerously near the edge of a panic attack. I worried acknowledging it would put us on the fast track to failure. But it didn’t, and I worked through the anxieties attached to the occasion. The mark of our second year together is little more than a month away, but I still don’t envision a night of cards and flowers. I do, however, see blow jobs, orgasms, and anal. Definitely anal.

Anal Orgasms Are Hard, Y’all – The anal orgasm has proven to be more elusive than the Abominable Snowman, but I ain’t sweatin’ it. I mean seriously, orgasms are awesome, anal or not. Mr. K did make me squirt, though, so there’s that.

Heather’s faves:

Sometimes It Hits You on the Head - During the spring of last year, my romantic life was a roller coaster. My poly circle was changing and I felt mainly responsible for that. I had met a Dominant man who wanted a slave, who wanted ME. This blog post was the first entry of the journey I began with my master and owner, LH. We had no idea exactly where we were going, but we were going there together. Reading this still brings up a lot of emotions for me even now.

New Territory in My Submission – Reading this still gets me hot. I wonder if I can call LH and convince him to ditch work for the day…

Pony Rides $10 aka Heather Rides a Sybian – The things I have done this past year blow my mind. Reading back through them… I have surpassed my fantasies. Public masturbation was one of them.


  1. Ava Grace says:

    yay congratulations on two years lovely ladies ava x

  2. LA Cloutier says:

    Wahoo… VA is 2. That means you get 2 spanks, right?

  3. Dumb Domme says:

    Heather Edith Cole and Nikki Agatha Blue (I don’t know your middle names, but I need them to communicate that you’re both in trouble, so I made them up).

    I am disappointed in you both. Honestly, I expected more…

    …more GLITTER!

    Where the FUCK is all the GLITTER!?!!!

  4. Nikki Blue says:

    Holy fuck me. Agatha IS my middle name!

    I know I disappointed with the confetti, but honestly, have you ever tried to clean glitter from under your nails? It ain’t pretty.

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