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It’s My Birthday

April 30, 2014 by Nikki Blue

Yep, today is my birthday. And y’all may find this hard to believe, but it’s an announcement that doesn’t come easily to me. Not because I’m uncomfortable with my age. Hell, I’m damn proud to be forty-something years old. It’s just that I’ve never been one to call attention to myself. Shocking, but true. Except when it comes to sex, but that’s totally different. And I know my antics have been a little scarce here lately, but I’ve been super busy wrapping up my memoir, Broken, for the June release. It’s totally squee worthy! Anyway, for my birthday, Quick and Dirty Beginnings will be on sale for .99 ALL DAY LONG. Only ninety-nine pennies. <checks math> Yep. NINETY-NINE PENNIES.

Oh, and one more thing. I can get naked with Mr. K in front of other people in a heartbeat, but if you sing Happy Birthday to me, I’ll blush every time. Weird, I know.



 and Smashwords


  1. Happy Birthday Nikki! Love the butt plug in the cover… :)

  2. Kayla Lords says:

    Happy birthday! And I’m the same way about having someone sing “Happy Birthday” to me. :)

  3. Only 40-something??? . . . Take it from me, it all just gets better year after year! LOL !!!
    Happy Birthday . . . and yes I LOVE the Butt Plug cover too . . . now that WOULD get Hubby volunteering to wash-up more!!!
    Xxx – K

  4. says:

    Many happy returns!

  5. Princess Anastasia says:

    Best of the best to you. And you certainly would blush if I sang a greeting to you — my singing voice is enough to embarrass anyone. Hope, instead, you get a delightful birthday spanking. I’m sure you deserve it.
    As for me, I’m back to helping a friend finish what started as a short story and has turned into a novel, thanks to some encouragement from some other friends like Rollin.

  6. Angel says:

    Happy Birthday Nikki! I loved my 40s, and changing digits has just made things better. Enjoy!

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