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I was pimped!

September 26, 2014 by Heather Cole

OK. Technically my book was, but still… something about the concept of my friends pimping me really appeals… Anyway, I digress!

The beautiful and generous Kayla Lords featured me on her blog, A Sexual Being. She offered me the spot as soon as she heard that my latest book, SINS, had been released. Yes, there was some serious swooning on my part. Mostly because Kayla is kinky and AWESOME. She’s also one of the kindest sex bloggers/erotica authors you’ll see in these parts. AND (yes, capital letters are my friends) we get to feature her in October.  There is love, Vag readers. SO MUCH LOVE!

Without further ado, check out Kayla and SINS. That’s right. Do it. (Y’all know you’re not working. It’s Friday, dammit.)


1 Comment »

  1. Kayla Lords says:

    You are too fucking kind, and baby, I’ll pimp you any day. 😉

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