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‘Guest Post’ Category

  1. Sex on the Battlefield: A Heart Project Post by Anna Sansom

    April 23, 2013 by Nikki Blue

    This post was written by the fantastically amazing, Anna Sansom of  The Ladygarden Project and has been reblogged from Eat the Damn Cake with her permission. This is Anna’s contribution to our Heart Project to promote positive body image and we can’t thank her enough for participating. 


    I was 15. I was horny. And I knew I would never have sex. I knew I was doomed to stay celibate forever because no one – man or woman – would ever find my body worthy of love.

    The evidence stared back at me from the mirror: my body was ugly, misshapen, alien. At 15 my body was covered in angry, red stretch marks from puberty’s overnight arrival. My sacrificial body hadn’t stood a chance. Puberty had roughly torn my skin apart wherever it could: my hips, breasts, upper arms, the backs of my knees, my upper thighs.  It wasn’t just my skin that failed to keep up with puberty’s rampage: my breast tissue ballooned, the ligaments strained, gravity won the day, and the result was long, stretched breasts. I never had pert, round, youthful breasts.  My nipples always pointed down, my breasts sagged: pendulous.

    Puberty dealt me another cruel blow: acne on my chest and back that left me with white polka-dot scars across my shoulders and in my cleavage.

    I was 15 and my body looked like a battlefield.

    I was 15 and I weighed over 200lbs.

    And yet, at 15, I was horny.

    Fast forward two and a half decades and I can reflect on a series of lovers. Each one found me beautiful and desired me. Each one respected me and treated me well. How did that happen?

    This isn’t a story of miraculous transformation. I wasn’t the ugly duckling who became the swan.I didn’t have an epiphany that suddenly made me see my own, internal beauty (‘cos it’s what’s on the inside that counts, right?). My body will always wear her scars. I currently weigh over 200lbs.

    This is the story of a horny 15 year old who knew that sexuality was important to her. The 15 year old refused to accept a lifetime of celibacy (or being non-discerning about who qualified to be a lover because anyone would be better than no one).

    The 15 year old who thought she’d never get laid lost her virginity at age 18. By age 18 I’d become aware that it wasn’t the sex that was important; it was expressing my sexual self that was key. It wasn’t just about feeling horny; it was about knowing that this sexual part of me was an important part of me, and a part that should not be ignored or stifled but rather explored and celebrated. By the time I was 18 I couldn’t bear to hide and deny my true self any more.  I took a deep breath, looked past what was in the mirror, and stepped out onto the path that led me straight to my needs and desires.

    I now realise that my acute awareness of the importance of my sexual expression was (and continues to be) a gift. When I unwrapped the gift and peered inside, I saw body acceptance.

    Sometimes I forgot I’d been given this gift. I put my body through punishing diets and exercise regimes in an effort to change what I saw in the mirror. I berated it and called it names when it was too slow, too fat, too different from how a woman’s body was supposed to look.

    But each time I undressed for my lover, each time I caressed my own skin, each time I made love, I remembered the gift. I remembered that I only have one body and that I can be thankful for that body and all it enables me to do. I remembered that there is nothing wrong with me: I am perfectly and uniquely “me”. And when that is good enough for me, it is good enough (more than enough) for my lovers too.

    I’ve never lost my fascination and passion for sexuality. The 15 year old has matured and developed into a woman on a mission to support other women to enjoy their own bodies and their own sexuality. I want women to celebrate their sexual selves and I promote this through my blog The Ladygarden Project. I also want women to enjoy sex and their bodies now – not deferring it until sometime in the future when they feel slim/beautiful/sexy/worthy enough, or to relegate it to something that only exists in their past. I encourage women to be Sexy at Any Size through my website and workshops – supporting women to feel sexy and sexual whatever the size and shape of their body (this goes for age and stage of life too).

    The gift of body acceptance is not time-limited. It’s not dependent on being a certain size or shape, or of looking a certain way.  And it is a gift that multiplies. The more we use it, the more we share it, the more it grows.

    One lover beautifully described the lines on my belly as being like the ripples on a pond when a pebble has been dropped in. Body acceptance has a ripple-effect. The more we accept our own bodies, and enjoy them just as they are, the more those around us accept their own bodies too.


    I Heart my Belly

    Bellies are supposed to be smooth and flat. Unblemished. Youthful. But by age 16, puberty had left me with deep, angry red stretch marks that criss-crossed my belly.

    For as long as I have been a sexual adult, my body has been scarred and my belly has had its characteristic roundness. And I am perfectly happy with that.

    “Tiger stripes,” said one lover as he traced my lines. “You’re a tiger.”

    “Like when a pebble’s been dropped into a pool,” said another as she kissed my belly button.

    I heart my belly. 


    Anna belly heart



    I Heart my Boobs

    For my 26th birthday I gave myself the gift of nipple piercings. I’d had an uneasy relationship with my breasts: bad PMT meant they’d always caused me more pain than pleasure. The piercings heightened the sensitivity in my nipples and helped me to enjoy my breasts much more. I designed jewellery for them and wore it with pride.

    I took the piercings out two years later – it was simply the right time.

    Now, with or without piercings, I heart my breasts.


    Anna boobs heart

  2. Weekend Reads…

    February 2, 2013 by Heather Cole

    Want to read more from our guest author this week, Diana Cruz? Discover her story in FELT TIPS.


    Please enjoy this wonderfully oddball collection of office-supply-related erotica from a wonderfully oddball crew of forty-four writers. Every penny of the profits of this book will be donated to an organization that helps struggling schools supply their classrooms. Thank you. Never forget the penis mightier. — Tiffany Reisz, editor and bestselling author of The Original Sinners series (Mira Books)

    FELT TIPS at Barnes and Noble

    FELT TIPS at Smashwords

    Writing as Diana Paz for her YA audience, her time-travel novel, Timespell, will be released in April. Until then find Diana at or on her blog

    Timespell-Front-cover-saved-for-web-RGBIn TIMESPELL,
    the brash and impulsive Julia must team up with her sweet and straight-laced best friend, Angie, and the malicious and power-hungry Kaitlyn in order to keep the witch-like powers of her inheritance. But these powers come at a cost. The girls are bound to serve the Fates, and their first mission sends them back in time to Marie Antoinette’s Paris and eventually, into the chaos and war of the French Revolution.

  3. A week of fantasy sex…

    January 28, 2013 by Heather Cole

    This week on Vagina Antics we’re all about the people, places and actions that dance through our heads as we masturbate. Or do you prefer to leave your mind blank and just FEEL? Whatever it is that gets you off, we want to hear about it. Tweet or comment here or on … tell us about your fantasy sex lives!

    Kicking off our fantasy sex week is contributor and hot erotica author, Diana Cruze. I had to agree, werewolves = swoon in my book!


    When Juliana and I started brainstorming topic ideas, one thing we both agreed on was sexy fantasy creatures. Granted, my contribution to Felt Tips didn’t have any fantasy creatures, but I’m not one to give up the chance to think about sexy beasts. The kinky possibilities seem endless, and so far, I haven’t met a fantasy creature I didn’t like. Thinking about fantasy creatures as a sexual outlet allows for the exploration of taboos that normally might otherwise feel a little squicky. Werewolves seem to work for more people than bestiality… obsessive vampires sound somehow more appealing than stalking murderers.

    Some of my earliest and still most favorite sexual fantasies involve dragons. Particularly the shapeshifing variety… dragons who can deceitfully shift into the shape of man for their own nefarious purposes. There’s something beautiful and ethereal about imagining the maiden trapped by a vicious, eternal beast, especially one who can suddenly appear as a smooth and elegant human, still retaining the supernatural energy that make dragons so seductive. There’s an appeal to the mythos surrounding dragons. Their hypnotic powers, timeless wisdom, ferocity and unpredictable nature all spell sexy to me.

    I like to switch up the way I think about this, especially when I’m in the mood for some private playtime. Imagining an innocent maiden, helpless and terrified as the dragon’s snakelike eyes glimmer over her, lets me tease the limits of consent while in the safety of my own mind. A dragon who captures a sweet and trusting princess only to become enamored by her quickly becomes a seductive obsession fantasy, and maybe my dragon isn’t always in control of his beastly passions. Depending on how fully a dragon takes on the aspect of a human, the beastlike wings, claws and scaly flesh easily becomes a hot addition to my wilder fantasies.

    The beauty of fantasy creatures is how fluid the rules are. Things that might seem unacceptable to think about between two humans are suddenly no longer deal breakers. I’m free to explore the darkest, most forbidden facets of my fantasies.


    Diana Cruze is a writer, reader, and the stereotypical girl-next-door turned wife-and-mommy-next-door. Her favorite genres are varied, and include fantasy, romance, young adult, and historical. She loves pink jellybeans, dandelions, and all things tropical. She also loves reading and writing erotic romance, as well as young adult fiction, which she writes as Diana Paz. So far, she’s found that having two identities is pretty fun. Find her on Twitter @dianacruze or check out the upcoming release of her YA time-travel novel, Timespell, at


  4. Kick Ass – A guest post by Jillian Boyd

    January 11, 2013 by Heather Cole

    003 - kopie
    I like to think of myself as a pretty badass lady. I’m smart, a massive geek and I can probably trade witticisms with the best of them (except with Stephen Fry. I wouldn’t dare.)

    My brain is incredibly sexy. If you don’t believe me, I’m pretty sure that my other half will say something to that liking. He might also mention that he finds my body sexy.

    Which I’m not so sure about.

    My relationship with my body is a tumultuous one. I grew up as the token large broad in school, and therefore got to experience those childhood joys of being called fatty fat arse and getting shoved face down into a sandbox just because I had the audacity to look the way I looked.

    Kids can be dicks, that’s for sure.

    If you think I didn’t put any effort in to losing weight, guess again. I did. I’ve seen a ton of dietitians, psychiatrists and health professionals in my time. Mainly recommended to me by people who thought I’d gone a bit wrong with my life.

    I’ll never forget the P.E. classes, mostly spent sitting on the side, watching other people do a running test (a rite of passage for many a 13-year-old) and thinking that I was pretty damn lucky to have a teacher that understood I wasn’t capable of such feats of athleticism.

    I’ll also never forget the puns made on my name, the social assistant who called my mother a bad mother because she let her child go fat and just about every single painful minute of my childhood. Until the day I decided I’d had enough. And weirdly, that wasn’t the day I booked myself in for a gastric bypass.


    It was the first time I made love to my partner.

    We had been teasing and playing all night, until I found myself completely blocked by nerves. I couldn’t do it. What if he was repulsed? What if he suddenly went off me?

    I went to sleep topless, wearing a pair of shorts and knickers and a ton of regret on my shoulder. But by dawn’s early light, I had decided something.

    Fuck this. I’ll be naked.

    I’m the fucking Barenaked Lady!

    I took the remainder of my clothes off and slid next to him in bed. And I had never been prouder of myself, because it was the first time that I felt no shame about my body.  And it’s a feeling that I have managed to hold on to. It was something that needed to happen to help me find that part of myself. That part that is able to get naked and flaunt her body without thinking “Shite, is he looking at my wobbles?”

    I like my wobbles.

    In fact, I think they’re quite sexy…

    It took me a very long time to get confident in this body. But knowing what I know now is helping me  get one step closer to becoming a kick ass lady.

    And that’s the way I like it.

    Jillian Boyd, Curvy Love Goddess (so sayeth my better half)

    Jillian Boyd is a writer, blogger and geekazoid, based in London. She had been published by the likes of Constable and Robinson and Cliterati. Her blog, called Lady Laid Bare, charts her sexual evolution and revolution. In her spare time, she likes crafting, reading, cooking and dancing like no-one’s watching.

    Twitter ~ @JillyBoyd

    Facebook ~  

    Blog ~

  5. Good Reads of the Week

    January 10, 2013 by Heather Cole

    Check out our guest writers Jillian Boyd and AmyBeth Inverness in the erotica anthology FELT TIPS. All FELT TIPS proceeds go to charity!

    FTPlease enjoy this wonderfully oddball collection of office-supply-related erotica from a wonderfully oddball crew of forty-four writers. Every penny of the profits of this book will be donated to an organization that helps struggling schools supply their classrooms. Thank you. Never forget the penis mightier. — Tiffany Reisz, editor and bestselling author of The Original Sinners series (Mira Books)

    FELT TIPS at Barnes and Noble

    FELT TIPS at Smashwords


    Precipice-Cover-Final The Literary Anthology of Write On Edge – AmyBeth Inverness’ story in that anthology is called “Abandon.”


    Buy on AMAZON


  6. Body Image – A guest post by AmyBeth Inverness

    January 7, 2013 by Heather Cole

    Our talented guest authors this week are writing about body image, that thing that so many of us are pondering this time of year along with out New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, Nikki and I were discussing weight and exercise just this very morning. (While I made toast and jam and had a hot chocolate.) 

    AmyBeth Inverness is a writer by birth, a redhead by choice, and an outcast of Colorado by temporary necessity. She’s a prolific creator of Science Fiction and Romance and a contributor to FELT TIPS. She’s also a fantastic interviewer. I felt thoroughly researched when she interviewed me back in July. I think she’s the bees’ knees. Enjoy!


    When I first met my husband, he was too shy to talk to me. Something about cleavage and a little black dress, supposedly. He let his married best friend do all the talking for him. There was something endearing about that shyness. Knowing that he liked my body was a big turn-on for me.

    Physical beauty is also a turn-on for me, as it is for most people. Women friends, especially romance writers, love to share pictures of handsome men. Celebrities, models, there is no shortage of gorgeousness out there. The comments that accompany these pictures are things like “OMG he is so handsome!” or “I’d like to tap that.”

    For me, these two comments are not at all synonymous. I can discuss at length the desirable physical attributes of any of these males (or females.) What you won’t hear me say is “I want to do him!” and it has absolutely nothing to do with prudish morals or my commitment to my husband.

    It has everything to do with body image.

    If I was single and miraculously in a situation where I was alone with one of these men, contrary to the popular opinion that “men will screw anything” it is far more likely that seeing me strip down to my skivvies and give him a “come hither” look would inspire him to flee.

    Nothing kills a libido faster than having your prospective sexual partner look at you and say “ew!”

    Outside of the unlikely prospect of getting naked with a celebrity, I generally have no problems showing my body. We take our kids to the water park and I wear a mom-suit with a little skirt that helps me maintain some dignity. I don’t smother myself with a caftan or bath robe. I even go in the water, and let my hubby take pictures of us all being cute to plaster all over facebook. In the privacy of my own home, I’ll often wander from the bedroom to the bathroom or the kids’ rooms in my birthday suit.

    Prego AB 
    When I was pregnant I was much less self-conscious about my body. I felt like I finally had a good reason for being big and beautiful.

    So, with this lack of modesty, why do I never picture my true body’s image when I fantasize? Whether it’s in writing a sex scene or just idly dreaming for my own personal benefit, I never think of myself as I really am when I think about sex. I think about a less rounded, more streamlined version of me. Not necessarily a supermodel, but definitely a woman who doesn’t have thighs that chaff as she walks or stretch-marks and heat rashes in places where the fat rolls the wrong way. If an image of my real self does happen to worm its way into my mind during a fantasy, I’m the first to say “ew!” to myself.

    Sex is not just for the pretty people. There are plenty of overweight, blemished people who fall madly in love and boink each other’s brains out everywhere. These people aren’t saying “ew!” They’re saying “I love you” and “I want you” and “want to try it in the kitchen?”

    I think fantasizing is just that… fantasy. We can idealize all we want in fiction. It doesn’t matter if he’d strain his back if he tried to lift her up and press her against the wall. It doesn’t matter if the reality is that sand can be rather abrasive when it gets stuck in an intimate place, sex on the beach is exciting. We can fantasize that our lover has the stamina of an Olympic athlete, or breasts the size of beach balls, or extra hands….

    OK that last one was a little weird, but I do write Science Fiction. Anything is possible.

    I think I’ll keep the idealized body in my fantasies. As long as I have a loving partner who still, after seventeen years of marriage, still loves to see me naked, I can accept and enjoy my real body when the fantasies end and the really good stuff begins.


     With short stories coming out in two different anthologies in 2012, AmyBeth can usually be found tapping away at her laptop, writing the next novel or procrastinating by posting a SciFi Question of the Day on Facebook. When she’s not writing, she’s kept very busy making aluminum foil hats and raising two energetic kids and many pets with her husband in their New England home.

    Facebook author page: 
    Google plus page: 
    @USNessie on Twitter

  7. Geek: The New Sexy

    December 17, 2012 by Heather Cole

    A guest post by R. Brennan (FELT TIPS – Routine Maintenance)


    First off, I want to thank Vagina Antics for having me. I’m so excited to be here.

    In speaking with my posting mate this week, the fantastically talented Candice Bundy about our stories for the Felt Tips anthology, we realized quickly we had a common thread in both of our stories and in our own professional lives. Not only do both of our steamy tales feature IT geeks at the office, we both work in the IT field in the real world. For all intents and purposes we’re both geeks.

    I happen to think we’re both damned sexy, and that, my friends, got me thinking. The geek of yesterday is gone. Replaced by a kinder, more appealing specimen of nerdom.

    We aren’t your Revenge of the Nerd style geeks anymore. We have much more swagger these days. Look around. Check out TV and movies. I bet I can find at least five geeky leading men who you would love to have a study session with, but I’ll save that for a follow up post. I never know these days what photos are allowable, and I’d hate to cause problems posting pics of the nerdy hotties I’m thinking of.

    Today I’ll focus instead on WHY geeks are a dating diamond in the rough.

    1. Geeks are smart.  – We all know the brain is the sexiest organ in the body. A geek has the mental power to be inventive, and has a more open-minded willingness to indulge your more imaginative fantasies. Who better than your geeky counterpart to come up with new an interesting ways to use that extra cat-5 cable in the storage room. Wrap a few of those puppies together, add a little bit of duck tape and voila — he’s made himself a fancy new flogger to make you squirm with. And wait till you see what he can do with a drawer full of ordinary office supplies…
    2. Geeks are better lovers – Some of you may be laughing at this tidbit of knowledge, but the simple truth is this — men, on the whole, are rather unsatisfying sexually. Experience isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when you consider most men are “practicing” not blowing their load within the first three minutes, and most aren’t all that concerned how you may be faring. But, a geek is much more likely to focus on pleasing you in bed and making sure you are having the time of your life in the hope they might get you back there again soon. I’ll take an attentive, geeky lover with a magical tongue and a genuine desire to satisfy over a studly, beefcake whose biggest concern is the size of his own pectoral muscles.
    3. Geeks study — a lot. Of everything. While your pumped up muscle head boyfriend is all about his subscriptions to Playboy and Sports Illustrated, your geeky companion is more likely to have read The Kama Sutra, The Story of O, or will be able to quote the works of William Shakespeare. They are much more likely to be able to hold up their end of any discussion, and let’s face it, stimulating conversation is sexy.
    4. Geeks have smaller egos  — The nerdy guys don’t get all that much attention from the fairer sex, so a geek is far less likely to treat you poorly or blow you off for a night out with the guys. They are more likely to have been taught how to behave by their mothers, and geeks work harder at being romantic than your average man. This leads right into:
    5. A geek won’t take you for granted – Geeks were never the cool kids. Coupled with the lack of regular attention from the opposite sex, geeks are far more likely to bend over backwards to please you. (You can’t hate that…) They are also far more likely to put in a little extra effort to get what they want. Where the average guy will do the bare minimum necessary to get you to take your pants off, a geek is used to working harder to get a woman’s attention.
    6. Geeks remember what matters – While your “normal” boyfriend will remember the exact details of the final game of last year’s World Series, your geek boyfriend will remember not only your birthday, but every anniversary, no matter how silly or insignificant  Additionally, they remember the perfect gifts to get you for such momentous occasions because they remember what you said you liked that time you walked past the pretty dress in the store window, or how you really wanted to listen to that new CD by Pink. They also remember the really important things — like where to touch you to make you squirm, what sorts of dirty little things you like whispered in your ear, and what spot on your inner thigh is the most sensitive.

    And, the best thing about these geeky brainiacs? The topper to all this amazing wonderfulness? Geeks come in both genders. So there is more than enough nerdy love for everyone.

    Color_littleR. Brennan is a subbie brat with a bitch streak, an IT geek for the state of New York, and reformed gaming addict living in the rolling hills of Upstate NY. A busy girl, R. has a kinky erotic short in the recently released Christmas anthology by Evernight Publishing, VANILLA-FREE CHRISTMAS, and her erotic horror short, BLOOD AND FIRE, will release from MuseItUp Publishing on December 28, 2012. The truly brave are welcome to follow her blog: or stalk her on twitter: bexbrennan

    Erotica Writer/Book Reviewer

    My Website:

    Connect with me on Twitter: @bexbrennan


  8. Spooky Sexy

    November 26, 2012 by Heather Cole

    The first thing I ever wrote was a novel with vampires and werewolves before such things were super cool and then super uncool. I can see the manuscript sitting in its box from here, and some day I will pull it out and see if I can salvage a story from it. Some parts of it are very good. Other parts… not so much.

    While I was trying to edit that novel, I fell in with a group of horror writers. My stories have always run to the dark side of human nature, but I prefer spooky to slasher. I’m very bad at writing blood and gore. I prefer to muck around with the mental twists and turns of reality vs fantasy/sane vs insane, because what’s more scary than the darkness that dwells in our hearts? And yes, sweeties, we all have darkness. I like playing with scary things, and even though Vagina Antics eats up much of my writing time, I’m always working on something for the Dark Side.

    When I wrote HIS PET, it was the kind of story where I fell in love with every word. A horror writing friend ran it in it’s original version when I was just getting my feet wet in the writing world. A long time after that when Jason Darrick invited me to guest post something kinky horror-ish, I thought this super short story might do the trick.  I knew it needed a facelift, so I presented it to my critique group where they gutted it (in a good way). At one point a writing comrade looked at me and said, “I wrote a story too about my ex-husband after our divorce. It was very therapeutic.” My mouth dropped open, and I just stared at her. “But this story is kinky and my ex is about as straight as… OH.” She was absolutely right even though I didn’t make the connection when I was writing it.

    Many thanks to Jason Darrick, horror writer and contributor to FELT TIPS, for hosting me. This has been an absolute blast.

    Click here to be whisked away to Jason Darrick’s Crumbling Abode and HIS PET



  9. Guest Post by Patricia Correll

    November 23, 2012 by Heather Cole

    Today’s post comes from the talented Patricia Correll, writer and contributor to FELT TIPS. The best part about being part of an anthology (I wrote The Saint of Office Hell) is getting to know all of my fellow authors. Although every story falls beneath the erotica umbrella, each author brings his/her special style and spin to these tales of delicious office sexiness. Without further ado, here is Patricia and how she came to write for the FELT TIPS anthology edited by Tiffany Reisz. We promise that at VAGINA ANTICS, you’ll never be bored.  xo – Heather


    I’d written sex scenes, of course. If you write stories for grown-ups you can hardly avoid it. But I’d never written a sex scene quite like this before.

    For two nights in frigid January I huddled over the space heater- my constant companion in the winter months- and scribbled into my battered notebook (ten for $1.00 during the after back-to-school retail lull). It was one of those stories that pours forth in a matter of hours, the words tumbling out faster than my stiff fingers could write. It was one of those stories that begins neat, all the letters slanting the same way, but devolves into scratches written by something with no opposable thumbs. My husband knew what I was writing but didn’t ask about it; he was probably afraid to know if the flush suffusing my face  came from the heater or my prose.

    It began the week before, when I visited my friend Tiffany. Over a breakfast of apple-cinnamon pancakes she said, “I have a writing opportunity for you, Patricia.” She told me about the anthology. I chuckled. It was nice of her to think of me, but erotica wasn’t my thing. Even if I tried writing erotica, it would probably be terrible. My sex scenes were always Mary Renault-ish: not quite as blink-and-you’ll-miss-it as hers, but rarely continuing after the pants came off. I just never felt compelled to go further; the reader knows they’re doing it, let’s move on.

    A couple days later I took my toddler to Wendy’s for lunch (don’t judge me!). He’s charming and often funny, but unfortunately he’s not yet a brilliant conversationalist, so between wiping ketchup off his face and sipping my lemonade I watched the other people in the restaurant. At the counter I saw a middle-aged African-American man in manager’s garb say something to the cashier, a skinny white college kid. They laughed together.

    Of course I automatically assumed they must be gay lovers. Wouldn’t you?

    The idea stuck. It was perfect for my first attempt at erotica. (I’d read m/m erotica before, and always complained about the lack of vocabulary: ‘ass’ and ‘cock’ are used waaaaaaaay too often. But in writing this story, I discovered that it’s almost impossible to write m/m erotica without using ‘ass’ and ‘cock’ a LOT. I stand humbled and corrected.). Thus the feverish two nights.

    I finished up, revised it, and released it to Tiff via the Internet. “Don’t feel obligated to publish this,” I told her, even though I knew she’s far too professional to accept something of mine just because we’re friends.

    So when she actually accepted it no one was more surprised than me.

    It was a revelation. Holy shit! I can write graphic sex- at least, gay man sex. Graphic gay man sex that a really talented erotica author liked. I’d always considered myself a SpecFic writer, but wow, I can diversify if I want. I was so excited, I called my husband to tell him.

    His first question was, “Are you going to use a pen name?”

    What? No. I’m not ashamed of anything I write. Why would I use a pen name?

    “Well, you’re doing some good YA-type stuff right now. I would hate to see you blacklisted because one time you wrote erotica.”

    I’d never thought of that. Would the YA community reject me if I wrote erotica too? Lots of New Wave SF authors wrote erotica and no one seemed to care. But what about YA? I never wrote specifically for a YA audience; it’s just that some of what I write might be attractive to a young audience. But certainly not all of it. After much thinking, I decided, fuck it. I appreciated his concern, but pen names go both ways. If I become a famous YA author, I’ll use a pen name for that. I’m not going to give up my name for a potential future career in YA.

    With that decided, I proudly posted on my blog, Facebook, and Google+ that I was going to be in an erotica anthology. Response was positive. None of my family or friends seemed bothered by the news, or at least they didn’t post their concerns on my Facebook page if they were. My mom, who usually accepts whatever I am writing with a smile (sometimes a tense smile, but a smile nonetheless), asked me, “I know what erotica is, but what does m/m mean?”

    This is the same woman who on seeing the “Lady Heather” episode of CSI with me, asked,”What are all those people doing?

    Have you ever tried explaining BDSM to a 50-something woman who happens to be your mom? It’s an experience.

    Luckily she accepted the gay dudes with a smile (a tense one). I don’t think she’ll buy the anthology. But that’s cool; I know she still loves me.

    And then the publicity began. Thanks to Tiffany and all the other successful writers in the anthology, I found myself doing an interview (on the lovely Jenny Lyn’s blog) AND this guest post. All for a 2,000 word story I wrote in two days. It’s fun, and amazing, and I am learning a lot about networking and how to promote myself.

    So my first time has been nothing but a great experience. I’m aware that so far I’ve been lucky; my circle of friends and my community is wide-open and tolerant of almost anything so long as it’s legal (and tolerate things that aren’t legal but probably should be). I don’t know if I’ll ever write another erotica story, but now I know I can. It’s a cool feeling. I recommend giving it a shot if you haven’t already. You just might be pleasantly surprised!


    Patricia Correll was abandoned as a child in the wilds of Hungary, where she was raised by a family of badgers. Discovered as a preteen, she was adopted by an American couple and now lives in Kentucky with her husband, toddler son and cat familiar. To this day she sleeps in a burrow in the backyard.

    She writes mostly speculative fiction. “Theo’s Donation” is her first erotica. You can find her latest short story, “Spawn of the Spider God”, in the Mythos Revisited issue of Fantastic Horror.

    You can also hook up with her (not like that) on Google+ or check out her blog,