It’s no secret that Heather and I have a HUGE fangirl crush on Molly of Molly’s Daily Kiss. She’s fantastic and amazing and inspiring and all kinds of other awesomeness. We love her hard. We also love the creativity and encouragement of the projects she stands behind. We love it so much we wanted to grow one of our own. Like a baby, but without the morning sickness. So after a few meetings with lawyers and latex clad unicorn trainers (totally kidding about the lawyers), HEART YOUR FAVORITE PART came to life.
What is YOUR favorite part? What part of your body do you love to look at, to celebrate? What part of you is extra special? Is it your eyes? A scar? The curve of your big toe? The little mole on the inside of your right ass cheek next to your… *ahem*?
We’re all unique and gorgeous in our own ways. At Vagina Antics, we want to celebrate your amazing beauty. Help us promote positive body image by building our WALL OF HEARTS. Send a photograph in a jpeg format of your favorite body part to . Adorn it with a heart; around it or beside it. Or if you prefer, we’ll add a super sexy heart with our mad Photoshop skills. *snort*
Please include a brief description or tell us why it’s your favorite part. Is there a story behind it? Are there certain feelings associated with it? Or if it’s a body part you’re particularly proud of and just want to share, that’s cool too. It’s like show & tell, but naked. If you prefer, you can be utterly anonymous. We will keep your identity secret. We swear it on our favorite bundt pans.
The guidelines are simple. There really are no rules except for the whole 18 and older thing. Don’t make us email your mamas. Oh, and let’s keep it classy. No body parts inside other body parts, capiche?
Now, show us your stuff.
I’m totally flashing my tits right now.
Knock it off, Heather.
~ Nikki and Heather
Vagina Antics reserves the right to use, edit, reproduce or publish images submitted
[...] Heart Your Favorite Part Project [...]
Hmmm this is one I shall have to ponder. I have lots of bits me that I really like, picking just one will take some thinking
The biggest challenge I have with this is picking a favourite body part – how am I to choose! I have so many I love so very much …
I suppose creating a ginormous heart and putting my entire self into it is just cheating, yes?
xx Dee
Nope, not cheating at all! DO IT!
I really want to participate in this. I love the idea of a favorite part. Gotta pick just one?..Hmmm, got lots of ideas!
Of course not! You can pick as many as you like!
I’m delighted and thrilled to be a part of this! Thank you Heather and Nikki for your vision and mettle (-totally bringing ‘mettle’ back into use!).
Anna xoxo
[...] Vagina Antics’ mission to include a hefty dose of body confidence and acceptance. Their ‘Heart Your Favorite Part’ project is inspiring, honest, and sexy, I am over-the-moon delighted to be a part of it, and they [...]
[...] their ongoing mission to help inform and entertain, Nikki and Heather have recently launched their “Heart your Favorite Part” positive body image project. They invite readers to send in photos of their favourite body parts to [...]
This is easy
now I just have to beg my Master to take a pic