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Posts Tagged ‘2014 Top Sex Blogger’

  1. Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2014

    December 22, 2014 by Heather Cole


    Every year those of us in the sex blogging community wait with joyful anticipation for Rori’s list of Top 100 Sex Bloggers over at Between My Sheets.  Making her list is the one of the best ways that we know to celebrate this holiday season. It’s a feather in our cap that our sex blogging contemporaries like us, and even more importantly, that our readers are enjoying our content as well. To our combined amazement (Nikki called me at 11:00 pm last night to tell me the news, and my first thought was that her vibrator had busted–you know, a real emergency) we not only made the list, but we scored in the top ten. Thank you from the bottom of our naughty, sexy hearts, Rori! We love all y’all. *boobsmoosh*

    Check out the other top contenders below, and see the full list at Between My Sheets:

    1. Girl on the Net
    2. JoEllen Notte, The Redhead Bedhead
    3. Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan, Oh Joy Sex Toy
    4. Nikki & Heather, Vagina Antics
    5. BD Swain, learning how to tell you
    6. Jillian Boyd, Lady Laid Bare
    7. Cheeky Minx, Love Hate Sex Cake
    8. Lilly, Dangerous Lilly
    9. Dr. NerdLove, Paging Dr. NerdLove
    10. Hyacinth Jones, A Dissolute Life Means

  2. Why You Should Vote for Sex

    October 14, 2014 by Heather Cole


    Everyone is talking about voting. The November elections are just around the corner, and we’ve been talking about the sex elections here as well. In short, you should vote for sex.


    You can vote for us at Kinkly:  Kinkly’s 2014 Sex Superheroes Contest

    You can nominate us at Between My Sheets:  2014 Top Sex Bloggers 2014


    So why should you take three minutes to vote or nominate Vagina Antics? It’s not like we can make birth control affordable and accessible to women everywhere… or can we? Part of what we strive to do on our blog is expose our readers to sex positive messages. Maybe you love reading about our adventures but wouldn’t do them yourself. That’s OK. We’re not here to convert you or say that we’re holier than thou sexually because we push sexual boundaries.  The point is that regardless of your sexual orientation, gender, or the sexual choices in your personal life, we want y’all to see the breadth of what’s out here. Acceptance and tolerance are direct results of education, and although we’re not formal educators, we try to present sex, kink, and relationships in a positive way. Voting for us is getting the word out, so that we can touch even more people. Um… wait… I mean expose ourselves to new friends. Hold on… that’s not quite right either.

    If you’ve already voted and shared our blog with someone, we thank you from the bottom or our dirty, little hearts. Hell, we thank you for clicking on our blog and reading every week. Without you, we’d be broadcasting Vagina Antics with only my mama reading. (and she tells me all the time that my language is shocking)

    A vote for Vagina Antics is a vote for sex and kink positivity. Damn, we need t-shirts.

    HUGS and *boob smooshes*
