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Posts Tagged ‘Break-ups’

  1. Sexual Healing

    April 28, 2015 by Nikki Blue

    Depositphotos_34601783_sIt’s been six months since I’ve had sex–SIX MONTHS. I haven’t gone that long between romps since my sexual escapades began at the tender age of fourteen. And I miss it terribly; the intense connection of it, the feeling I would burst into flames from the lightest touch. I miss feeling like the sexual being I know I am. The confidence of my sexual prowess is what I miss the most, I think. I haven’t felt that confidence in a while now. I know I haven’t lost it–it’s still there–it’s just gone dormant, waiting to wake again when the time is right.

    The dismantling of my sexual assuredness started with a bad haircut, and even though I’m dying to reference Samson & Delilah here, I’m not allowed. Heather has forbidden me to use any more metaphors until the end of forever, but whatever. I will say I felt as if my power had been stolen, and I was left looking like a poodle.

    Black Poodle on a white background

    Sexy, right?

    Okay, so a poodle is a bit of a stretch, but I did see the lead singer from the glam-rock band, Cinderella, when I looked in the mirror. But with less makeup and fewer sequins.

    The coiff-conundrum took weeks to grow out to a fixable stage, but even after giving her the opportunity to make it right, my stylist seemed to have forgotten how to cut my curls and again I was unhappy.

    During that time, my three year relationship with Mr. K blew apart, destroying what confidence I had left. I gathered what pieces I could and retreated, shutting the door to the outside world while I licked my wounds in private. I hardly left the house or answered the phone. I stopped writing for myself and I stopped masturbating–I stopped looking in the mirror. I threw myself into my career, working my ass off to prove that I’m dripping with awesomesauce–and I totally am–and I concentrated on being the worst mother I could possibly be. And it was enough…for awhile.

    But then I began to miss more than just sex–I missed desire. I missed the glow of sexual confidence that I’d had, and I knew it wasn’t going to magically reappear on its own. The power to rekindle it was in my hands, and mine alone, so I focused on myself, which is something I’d done little of in, like, ever. Heather has even suggested that I talk to a therapist about the traumatic experiences I’ve endured in my life.

    “Surviving isn’t the same as healing,” she said.

    I couldn’t see her face at that moment, but I’m fairly certain her brow was quirked. And she’s right–I do need to get my ass into therapy. It’s been a long time coming. It’s a step I haven’t taken yet, but I plan to.

    In the ‘Year of Nikki’ thus far, I’ve taken my health super-seriously for a change. I’m learning to treat my body with the respect it deserves, both inside and out. I’ve stopped eating my feelings, sugar, dairy, gluten, and processed foods. I feel better than I have in a long time. Heather has taught me how to meditate, which seems to clear my head and help me sleep better. I still have nights here and there where I lie awake offering to trade my soul for some shut-eye, but those nights are outweighed by the good now. And I found a new stylist who has made me love my hair in a way I never imagined. I’ve also started writing for myself again, which makes me bleed in the most beautiful way.

    In the past, I would have disconnected from my feelings and sought solace in one boozy sexual encounter after another, but that’s not healthy. I know that now, and that’s why I’m taking time out for me. I’ve faced my feelings instead of choking them down, allowing myself to cry more than I have since 1989. It’s totally not my badass style, but in the process I’ve grown; prioritized. Heather likes to say I’m like candy–hard on the outside with an ooey-gooey center. Whatever. I’m hard. Heh. Hard.

    I’m still not at a point where I’m ready to fuck again–or shave my legs–because I’m still healing. There’s no rush, unless you ask my mother. Anyway, when the day comes when I’m strong enough to make myself vulnerable again, I’ll have no doubts. But until then, I’ll continue to work on me; to grow, and to finally realize that I’m pretty fucking great.

  2. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

    December 31, 2014 by Nikki Blue

    Young woman runaway walks away road. Copy space

    Because of the way we sex bloggers write our titillating tales, it’s easy to think we have mind-blowing sex every single time we get naked. I wish that were true, but it’s not. We’re human and there are days we don’t feel sexy; times we can’t seem to get on the same page as our partners. There are also those unflattering moments when sex goes wrong, such as butt plugs that play hide-and-seek and accidental scat during anal play in the most awkward way. But fuck-ups are to be expected, right? Of course they are, and a lot of us write about the less than sexy blunders, using our platforms as a way to process and share. What happens, though, when our sex lives slow down or stall altogether?

    That’s what I’m in the throes of figuring out for myself.

    My relationship with Mr. K isn’t strong as it once was. In fact, we’re flailing wildly out of control. Murky waters have clogged our lines of communication, leaving us sexless and adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Will we survive the breakdown? That’s a question I can’t yet answer. Truthfully, I’m not certain of anything right now. I’ve often said I was his fantasy come to life and I was proud of it. In light of certain things, I can’t help but wonder if that’s what he fell in love with– the fantasy of me.

    I stumbled through the stages of grief as I watched the slow death of one of the most significant relationships of my life. I’ve cried until my face resembled something only my mother could love. Well, a face she would love if she wasn’t so superficial and shallow. *ahem* At this point, I’m all cried out.

    Eventually, I moved on to the vast land of denial where I lost patience along with my Best Girlfriend Ever crown. Let’s be realistic about that title for a moment here– it’s a super-tough title to maintain. Especially when disappointment knocked the breath out of me again and again, metaphorically speaking, of course. And each time he failed me, I trusted him less; raised my protective walls a little higher until I soon found myself on full guard and wicked pissed. I knew I wanted more; deserved better, so I opened the floodgates that once shielded Mr. K from my feelings. I’m pretty sure he’s drowned in them by now and I’m okay with that.

    The emotional bloodletting has left me drained, and because my feelings often taste like cupcakes, I’m also feeling a little fluffy. Honestly, some days I feel like a denim sausage. Others, I’ve resorted to wearing sweatpants, Ugg boots, and a messy bun. Oh, and a wifebeater with coffee stains, because nothing says “I’m fuckable” like food-covered clothing. But I’m not fuckable. I don’t look fuckable and I damn sure don’t feel fuckable. My sexual confidence that blossomed so beautifully as my marriage crumbled is now withered and in need of tending. Hell, other than to take the edge off so I can sleep every now and then, I hardly even have the desire to masturbate anymore, and that makes me so very sad.


    The crux of it all is that I’m a sex blogger who’s not having sex, and I’m trying to figure out what to do with that. It’s kind of like an oxymoron, right? Or maybe even a little hypocritical? I don’t know, but it feels awfully weird. Then I have to wonder if I’m even allowed to call myself a sex blogger if my vagina has no antics to share. Heh. See what I did there? A big part of me is terrified of the changes I’m facing. Another part of me is a big believer that everything happens for a reason, like the bad haircut that’s forcing me to change my style. It’s true, y’all. The 80s will no longer rock on through my big hair, and yes, that made sense.

    I’ve done a lot of soul searching over the last three or so months, and there’s no denying there are some big changes over the horizon. Personally, I was so sure I’d found the second great love of my life, and now, well, I don’t trust him with my heart. Professionally, the thought of turning another corner scares the bejeezus out of me, but I know my purpose is there, waiting for me to ride it hard. And once my palms stop sweating, I’ll take a deep breath and step into the next chapter of my life filled with new projects, new experiences, new Vagina Antics.

    *Photo credit