Dear Readers,
Nikki and I need your help. As you know, Vagina Antics is not a book blog. (Obviously. We have the word ‘vagina’ in our title.) We started Vagina Antics to talk positively about sex, and more specifically, our sexual adventures as divorced, kinky, forty-something women. We’re also authors, and we use this blog to occasionally promote our books. Like authors everywhere, we need readers to review our stuff and give us feedback.
Would you be willing to sign up for our ARC (Advance Reader Copy) program?
What is an ARC, you ask?
“Usually, ARCs are provided to booksellers, librarians, and reviewers for books or magazines. In the last few years, though, publishing houses have made ARCs more available to book bloggers and other readers, in the hopes that they would turn to their blogs, Twitter, Tumblr, etc., to build that pivotal buzz. Publishers aren’t doing that out of the kindness of their hearts; ARCs are, above all, marketing tools used to sell more books.”
Most importantly, it’s a way to get all of our upcoming releases (and former released titles) for FREE.
There are a handful of steps:
- Sign up for our ARC email list: CLICK HERE
- Pick up copies of eBooks via InstaFreebie. (The link will be delivered directly to the email address you provided)
- Read and enjoy. (the best part!)
- If you enjoy the story, leave a review via Amazon and/or GoodReads (the fun part!)
- If you don’t enjoy it, that’s okay. We won’t get mad. Promise! Just email us and tell us why. Constructive feedback is the process that helps us grow as authors.
- Follow-up via a GoogleDoc’s template we have created that provides the weblink where your review is located. (This final step ensures that you remain on the ARC list) *If you opt to provide critical feedback, you don’t need to review and you will absolutely remain on our ARC list.
Upcoming titles to be released include:
- Kinklectic Valentine’s Day Anthology by various authors – It will include Heather’s second short story involving Annie, the vampire, and Soledad, the librarian. (tbr 2/14/2015)
- Kinky Dating: How to Find the Kinky Love of Your Fantasies by Heather Cole and Nookie Notes (tbr 2/14/2015)
- Aftermath by Nikki Blue – A twisted tale of revenge.
- Control by Nikki Blue – The second book in Nikki’s memoir series.
- Confessions by Heather Cole – The second book in the Come for the World Series (tbr March 2015)
- Absolved by Heather Cole – The third book in the Come for the World Series (tbr April 2015)
- Naked Baking: The Best of Vagina Antics – by Heather Cole and Nikki Blue – to be released on World Baking Day, May 17, 2015. This book will include our most popular posts, new never-before-seen material and a baking photo shoot with the women of Vagina Antics. Yup, you’ll see us doing some of our favorite things. Um… baking-related things and probably booze. (Definitely booze ~Nikki)
- The Dominatrix’s Apprentice by Heather Cole (tbr June 2014)
- A Second Chance for Lady Grace by Heather Cole – This is a full-length historical romance.
We hope you love our words as much as we do, and we look forward to seeing you on our list. Thank you for being the best readers ever!
~Heather and Nikki