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Posts Tagged ‘sex education’

  1. The Masturbation Monologue

    February 13, 2015 by Nikki Blue

    Suprised young woman

    I must have been only seven or eight years old when my mother slid open the frosted glass shower door, catching me as I explored my clitoris in the privacy of the tub. Her eyes flew open wide and she gasped as if it were the most horrific thing she had ever happened upon. She snatched me by my arm until I stood naked on the blue bath mat, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. I’m certain it must have stung at least a little when the palm of her hand connected with my wet thigh two, maybe three times, but what I remember from that moment were her words; the judgement on her brow. She scolded me, pointing her manicured finger at my face while saying I was to never EVER touch my privates again, that doing so was a sin and God would know if I did. The ‘God card’ is funny when I think about it now, because my mother is and always has been about as religious as my shoe.

    My mother never spoke of that incident again, and it was her reaction that sparked the feeling that something was wrong with me for my sexual urges. It didn’t stop me from evolving into a very sexual creature, but the feeling of defectiveness plagued me for thirty-something years. I don’t ever want either of my children to feel the sex or self-pleasure they choose is shameful and dirty. So the Saturday morning my teenage daughter sat cross-legged on the center of the kitchen island while I made coffee, I let out a breath and went for it.

    “If you haven’t looked at yourself with a mirror, you need to,” I said as I leaned against the counter across from her, drinking coffee from my pink ‘Queen of Everything’ mug. “And don’t think it’s weird to do so, because it’s not.”

    She nodded, surprisingly not mortified that her mother had just suggested she examine the reflection of her most intimate parts, so I took that as a green light to continue the conversation. From there, I slid gracefully into masturbation, making sure she understood it’s perfectly natural and something she should never let anyone make her feel ashamed of.

    “Look at it this way, if you don’t know what you like or don’t like, how are you going to tell someone else when that time comes?”

    “True. Do we have waffles?”

    And just like that, she took control, closing the topic without so much as a pregnant pause. I smiled inwardly, proud of the girl who is like me in ways she has yet to realize.

    My daughter is sixteen and the relationship I have with her is the polar opposite of the one I had with my mother when I was her age. Hell, the one I still have. I’ve worked hard to make sure she knows she can come to me with ANYTHING without fear of judgement. I don’t break a sweat or dance awkwardly around topics that make most parents, I assume, terribly uncomfortable. I talk openly with her about sex and safety, pubic hair options and the pros and cons of it, slut-shaming, BDSM, and the newest feather to my sex-positive parenting cap, masturbation. Some of my friends are horrified by the words that pass between mother and child, saying they would never talk with their children about such things. They judge me a little, but that’s okay because I know my kids will be equipped with the knowledge they need, and I’m pretty sure that makes me the best mom ever.

  2. The Problem with Hardcore Pornography

    October 25, 2014 by Nikki Blue

    Neon signboard XXX - vector illustration

    Yesterday, Kayla Lords shared Upworthy’s  video on Facebook of Cindy Gallop talking about how hardcore porn is defining the way sex should be. She said, “There’s an entire generation growing up that believes what you see in hardcore pornography is the way you have sex.”

    That’s a pretty powerful statement, and a super big problem.

    As a mother of two teenagers, it’s my responsibility to make sure they understand they have a right to choose what happens during a sexual encounter when that day comes. Pornography won’t sexually educate my children, I will.

    I also think hardcore pornography influences more than just how the younger generation thinks sex should be. I believe it gives mature men misleading ideas about the sexual nature of women, including ridiculous notions such as all women get wet while watching the young carpenter fix the broken step on the back porch, or that women are dying to suck the UPS man’s cock when he delivers a package. That may be the case for some women, but chances are, it’s not for most. Not all ladies possess the skill or adore deep throating either. Just sayin’. So that, in my opinion, adds to the problem with hardcore pornography.

    Anyway, watch Cindy’s video and check out her website,


  3. Like Mother Like Daughter?

    May 8, 2012 by Nikki Blue

    I’m a very sexual person and I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to admit it. I talk openly about the things I’ve done, the things I need, and the things I want. I readily admit that I was just fourteen years old when I gave my virginity away to a twenty-two year old married man. Should I have waited until I was older and had a better understanding of the value of my virginity? Probably, but there’s nothing that can be done to change it now. That infinitesimal speck of life experience is what has made me who I am today, and that I wouldn’t alter for any amount of do-overs.

    With all that being said, I now have a thirteen year old daughter. A daughter who is smart and beautiful, and holy Jesus is she a hard-headed, pain in the ass. She has exhibited no signs of being boy crazy, and trust me, I know the signs well. She’s a watcher, and she doesn’t ask questions. She figures it out on her own and that’s not always a good thing.

    The other day I checked the history on the computer as I often do, to see what she’s been up to besides spending an ungodly amount of hours liking stupid status updates on Facebook. When how to be really good at sex popped up in the list of visited sites between Woozworld and YouTube, I felt like I’d been kicked in the gut.

    Holy fucking shit.

    I shouldn’t have been terribly worried because the google search landed her on Redbook Magazine. Seriously, how much are they going to teach her? That’s like the Disney channel compared to the naughtiness Heather and I write about on Vagina Antics. I began to wonder what aspects of her would most resemble me. It wasn’t easy having such a strong yearning for sex when I was a teenager. It was confusing, and I made a lot of mistakes while trying to figure out why I was so different from the other girls my age. I also earned myself a scandalous reputation in the process. The worst part, and most dangerous, was committing the better part of my teens to a single relationship that fulfilled my desires yet nearly killed me.

    My first knee jerk reaction was to jump online and purchase a chastity belt. My second idea was to lock her in the garage for the duration of puberty, but then I realized I’d have to let her out to shower and use the bathroom and that’s just way too much work. And then, of course, there would be the “concerns” of Family and Children’s Services. I hear they kind of frown on that sort of thing.

    After I calmed down and began to think rationally again, I saw an opportunity to talk to her about sex when most kids her age are learning about it from their friends the way I did. Am I going to divulge details about blow jobs and rimming? Fuck no, but I want her to know that she can count on me to give her the best answers I can, no matter how ‘icky’ they are to her. She was embarrassed when I confronted her and tried to deny it was her curiosity that got her busted. I assured her that I wasn’t angry, but if she continued to lie about it, life as she knew it would cease to exist because I’d take her phone, her iPad, and her TV. Then I’d make her tell me how cool I am every day for a week. If I can’t have a little fun with it, what’s the point?

    If she turns out to be a sexual being like me, so be it. We do share the same DNA. I can’t shield her, but I can educate her. My job at this point is to try to keep her from making the same mistakes I made. I’ll be supportive, and most importantly, I’ll tell her that if she does decide to have sex before she’s ready to handle the responsibility that comes along with it, her kidneys will fall out of her vagina. Because when it comes down to it, I’m a good mom.

  4. The Learning Curve

    January 20, 2012 by Nikki Blue

    On Tuesday, Heather, the High Priestess of Sexual Blunders, wrote about ‘rookie mistakes’. They really aren’t my thing though. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a couple of mishaps along the way. Like having cum shot up my nose by Mr. Kryptonite himself. All I can say is there’s a reason why no one has thought it would be a brilliant idea to create cum scented candles. I imagine Yankee Candle would have a bitch of a time marketing that one as fragrance of the month. Another one of the more embarrassing moments in my life was when I was wearing heels and slipped on the carpet, stalking towards the bed where a hot man was waiting to devour me. I busted my ass in front of him, naked.
    Shut the fuck up. It happens.

    My point here is that we’ve all had a few blunders, but that doesn’t make us any less gifted or desirable.

    I’ve always prided myself on my erotic talents. I was determined to excel at pleasing men, and I did what it took to learn how. I learned early on that they are every bit as complex as women. It seemed that women only considered the end result when they thought of sex: cum in you or on you. Or, for the squeamish, getting it cleaned off as quickly as possible. I always felt that how I got to that conclusion was every bit as important. To me satisfying a lover takes skill, and it takes confidence.

    Given the goals that I had at such a tender age, it is no surprise that I was more sexually mature and confident than my peers. While they were worried that a boy might want to round second base on the third date, I was having multiple orgasms with the town’s ultimate bad boy. I may have looked and sounded like the southern good girl that I was brought up to be on the outside, but on the inside, I was as dirty as they came.

    I was the girl who exuded sexual confidence. I was also the girl who earned a master’s degree in hiding the bruises left behind when the town bad boy lost his temper.

    After I broke free, I spent years using sexual aggressiveness as a form of control. I thought it was what I needed, because I’d had so much control taken from me forcibly by the town bad boy. It turned out that it was the sex after the violence that I craved. It was the fucking that consumed me to the point where I couldn’t hear anything but the roaring in my ears. It nursed me into a state of total submission, only I didn’t know it at the time. Looking back, I realize that it was the conclusion that I truly wanted, that dreamy place of contentment that kinksters call ‘subspace.’ It took me quite some time after that to understand that what I needed wasn’t to be in control, it was to give up control. And to answer your question, yes, I like a bit of pain.

    With all that being said, I’m still learning things about myself and about men. For example, when men claim to be dominant right off the bat, chances are very good they’re not even in the same ball park. And sadly, some men interpret ‘fuck me harder’ as ‘please puncture my kidney.’ Then they have the nerve to wonder why I won’t let them anywhere near my ass. I might be a little crazy, but I’m not fucking stupid. Also, some men wouldn’t know what to do with a clit if it sat on their face.

    Then there are the ones who take you by surprise. The ones who don’t claim to be something or someone they’re not because they don’t need to. The ones who you just know are going to make you cum until you beg for mercy. They’re the ones who at the risk of sounding cliché, will rock your world.

    So, if you ever hear someone say “anyone can fuck” or “sex is like riding a bike,” run fast and run far because chances are that you’re in for an experience that will have you counting the seconds as they slowly tick past. Be willing to experiment and get to know your own body before you go pawing at someone elses. And remember, practice, practice, practice. After all, you wouldn’t run a marathon without knowledge and training first would you?

    Didn’t think so.