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Celebrating our Ladygarden

November 1, 2013 by Heather Cole

The Ladygarden Project is 2 years old!

Anna asked Nikki and I to help her celebrate the 2nd anniversary of her wonderful project. CLICK HERE to see our congratulatory messages (and photos). The Ladygarden Project is an evolving exploration of sexuality that continues to grow as Anna pushes boundaries and helps other women reconnect with their sexual selves.

When Nikki and I started Vagina Antics, it was Anna who reached out and connected with me as a fellow explorer of sexuality. She’s brave and charming and writes damn good erotica. She’s one of those people who’s spirit and kindness just shine from within, and although we live far away from one another, I can’t help but bubble with joy every time we correspond. But you don’t need to hear my gushing to become a devoted fan of The Ladygarden Project.

Here’s why you need to start reading The Ladygarden Project:

1. Anna has great suggestions for reconnecting with your sexuality whether you need to find it, expand it or just revel in it.

2.  You can receive a FREE erotic story.

3. There’s a picture of vagina cupcakes in the celebration post.

VAGINA CUPCAKES! C’mon, y’all. You don’t need any more motivation to visit than that. Now scoot!

Happy Anniversary, Anna! We wish you many, many more in the future.

*boob smoosh*


1 Comment »

  1. Anna says:

    May I just say: Heather and Nikki – you rock my world! Thank you so much for joining in with the Ladygarden celebrations (it wouldn’t have been a party without you there!).
    P.S. Come and visit and I’ll make sure there’s a fresh batch of vagina cupcakes waiting for you :)

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