I shared this hilarious video from Garfunkel and Oates on Facebook the other night because well, it’s pretty fucking fantastic. But after I watched it the second, okay, fifth time, I realized it skimmed along the same conversation I’d had with my teenage daughter about anal sex, but in reverse. Minus the Jesus part. Oh, and the clitoris being Satan’s doorbell, but other than that, it was pretty close. And as a sex-positive parent, it’s my job to teach her anal sex isn’t a loophole, it’s a choice– HER choice. Also, Jesus doesn’t belong in anyone’s holes. Wait…
disturbingly, it was my teen who stumbled across that video and felt the need to share lol. So for the teen with a sex-positive, UU, erotica-writing mother, this took on special levels of amusement. Yup, I shudder at the “Devil’s door bell” thing 😀
You have to admit that our teens are sometimes probably like “I’m tired of talking about sex, Mom.”
And all this time I was living my life thinking I wasn’t religious…
That Jesus, he’s a sneaky one.